Chapter 3. Alfea School for Fairies

Start from the beginning

"Thank you Miss Faragonda calling on all your creative minds to turn this ordinary hall room, to a festive ball room, today's classes are cancelled now get to work "


"Wow an gala, me and Bloom have never been in one some decorations, lights, music, fireworks, and technology to make sure everything is right, will make this gala perfect." You said aloud to no one in particular. "I can take care of the decorations" Flora decorated the pillar with a green stem, with roses "A little highlight should do" You waved your hand and a beautiful ice appeared making the stem stand out.

"Oh! Wow!" The girls cheered. 

"I will take care of the music what's a part without any music?"

"There should be slow romantic songs, with blasts because I believe many people have boy friends." You added.

"Do you?" Stella asked. "Not one" Bloom said. "She never dated." 

"Oh and I'll worry on what to wear."


In the dorm Stella showed you what she picked "Oh it's lovely" You said.

"Yeah" , "Beautiful." All of them said you were putting some finishing touches to your dress.
You were wearing a light pink dress with an flower belt attached on your waist, The white highlight focused on your curves. (Free to imagine anything else)

"Is it okay if I go with these?" Bloom questioned motioning to her casual wears. "Bloom! Why do I always have to remind you to have at least one party wear!?" You questioned to your sister.

"I didn't think we would need it."

"You haven't gotten a dress? No problem every thing has a solution shopping!" Stella exclaimed.  "Sounds good, I might be able to see Magix better." You smiled.


You all reached Magix, finding some stores you checked dresses after dresses not content on any, It was getting late and you all had to prepare for the Gala "It's getting really late." Musa said checking her watch.

"You'll find something Bloom I'm sure." Stella reassured.

You stayed behind after the girls went, "N/n you go to, or you'll get late to the gala." Bloom ushered, when she noticed you waiting for her "But Bloom.. Will you be fine?" You asked. When Bloom noticed how tense and worried you looked she gave you a hug. "Don't worry N/n I'll just find something for the gala, and immediately come  to Alfea." You nodded "Okay be quick." 


You soon got ready and your make up and your dress was perfect, you owed it to Stella. "It's pretty late" You said checking your watch "Bloom should have been back by now. I hope she's got the dress." You said concerned "By the way Stella why are the Trix so desperate to get your Septor?" You asked "Just that they want power, and I'm sure they will try to get it today, Since it's the gala and they can use it as an advantage." Flora said.

"See this is what we'll do." You whispered the plan in there ears. "Wow this is an genius idea"


At the Gala- 
You were pretty much hanging out with the girls, It had been to long and Bloom hadn't still arrived "Hey Y/n" You herd some one calling your name "Hi Sky right? How can I help you?" You asked politely "Well I was wondering where Bloom went, would you know?" Sky asked. You smiled brightly when you saw Bloom come "Right behind you." Sky turned around to meet Bloom, but she looked rather distracted, she said something to him and came directly to all of you. "Girls I need to tell you something come let's go outside." You all followed Bloom outside waiting for her to begun. "The Trix they entered the castle--" 

"The  Trix?" Stella questioned. "Yeah Icy, Darcy, and Stormy. They entered the castle and you remember what Y/n had planned? The eggs of swarming butterflies? The decided to turn it to an explosion when the eggs open." Bloom said quickly, "We must hurry." 

"It might be to late look" All of you turned to see the eggs getting carried by a pair of red fountain boys "Ok every one quickly grab each other's hand and in an circle" You said taking Bloom's and Tecna's hand they all took each other's hands until it was a circle "Say this turn back to what is once was, three times." 

"Turn back to what it once was, turn back to what it once was, turn back to what it once was."  Soon an golden dust flew in the air, before turning the eggs to how they were before." When they were handed out to each one, a swarm of butterflies erupted in the air. 


Bloom's Pov- 
After those beautiful butterflies, the girls insisted on me to change. So excited for the Gala, I went to my dorm. I hadn't been over there for five minutes when Stella's box was lifted  in then it crashed, only taking the egg with it, "Oh no!" I felt myself yelling at the egg, It was Stella's ring. Of course getting on my feet I dashed after it.  It went all the way and before it went to the bushes I grabbed it, I quickly made my way to the castle when someone stopped me-

"Hey Bloom we'll teach you to keep your nose out of other people's concerns!" Icy said rage evident in her voice. "Let me take care of her" Darcy came forward "Mystical Illusions" My head instantly fell dizzy, until a powerful cold ice hit my stomach sending me to the end where I held on, After it dies down Icy picked up the shell "We'll teach you not to mess with us." 

I closed my eyes and trusted that I was a fairy, and opened my heart.

I felt myself transforming, as I fought against them. 


Bloom made her way back to the castle with an outfit you knew that she made by herself "You look so beautiful like a sweet flower!" Flora smiled, The rest of the evening was spent by dancing and chatting.

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