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| as u can see I tried writing a first person pov on chapter 4 i guess, but i legit struggled a lot, pls its so hardd. but me as a reader also, want to sumtimes read in first person rather than narrator's so ill give it a try againn |

Jin's Pov

I don't know how am I handling to give lecture right now with Jungkook in the same room as me. Him and his friends keep on looking directly to me then will make a face. His friends must know now already. I want this to finish so I could talk to him. Someone knocked the door.

" I'm sorry Mr. Kim if I am interrupting your lesson but we need you asap at the laboratory after this."

Tae suddenly barged in. Why does he needs to be one the coming here? I know he can see I got tense. Please just leave.

" Noted Mr. Kim." I just smiled at him, praying him to leave but he roamed his eyes inside the class.

" That's why you're acting nervous babe." Then he bent his face to my cheeks and kissed it. I closed my eyes.

What the fuck is wrong with him? I know he's doing it on purpose.

" See you later babe." Then he looked at Jungkook's direction and waved bye at me.

I can hear some gasps from the students.

" Omg was that your boyfriend Mr. Kim?"

" You two has the same surname also."

I suddenly heard a bottle fell down the floor, I looked at it and it was Jungkook's. I lost the chance again, but I will still talk to him. It's now or never.

I just smiled at those students asking me and continued lecturing.

After an hour the lecture is done, students are fixing their own bags. When the students get out one by one, I tried reaching Jk but Jimin blocked himself.

" If I were you Mr. Kim, I will not go near him." He is really threatening me. I know, Jungkook is special to him so he deserves his anger.

" Jimin please I need to talk to him...Jk?"

I called him but he didn't look at me. I don't know why I wanted to cry but the mere fact that he doesn't even want to talk to me is what I expected but it still painful.

" He clearly doesn't want to talk to you Mr. Kim, now if you don't want any rumors to spread let us go."

I was able to reached the tip of his middle finger but Jimin slapped my hands causing an echoed sound.

" Min please let's just go."

" Jk please let me talk to you at least. Just a minute."

But Jimin just drag him and Jk didn't even took a seconds of glance to me.

" What did I even expect? Your stupid Jin for thinking he might wanna hear you."

Suddenly when someone grabbed my wrist tightly.

" Ahh what's wrong- Mr. Kim?"

" So you really tried talking to him huh?"

" Ahh no Tae, let me go, I have a lecture to attend."

" Stop fooling around. I heard y'all earlier. What the fuck that kid has that you keep on wanting him back hah?"

He locked the doorknob and faced me with his mad eyes.

" Please we're in school Tae, please I'm sorry okay?"

I am so scared right now on what he might do to me. We're in school and students could just walked in.

" Sorry? How many times do I have to hear that from you?"

" The audacity when I am the one who should you be saying sorry with what have you done to me. I am now the one saying sorry so please let me go."

I tried to sound firm and calm but I just received a huge slap from him. Why do you expect? The sound echoed again in the room.

" Everytime it's about Jungkook you always suddenly getting brave in front me."

" Ahh Tae, we're in school, if someone sees me with bruises on my face then it's over for you. "

I received a a third slap from him.

" You think I cared Jin when I am literally higher than that principal you're being scared?"

" Stop it Tae okay. You're so fucked up that every nonsense just come out to you-"

He kicked me. I know from the look of it, I am triggering him again but I don't know why I keep on answering back. He held my hair again and started kissing my neck.

" There's a cctv here so someone prolly watching us right now but do you Jin that I don't care about it anymore. You're the one who's scared of your reputation so stop threatening me."

" Tae wtf you're so disgusting, someone's watching us so stop!!!"

But he started caressing my nipples then started kissing me down to it.

" Omygad Tae, I said stop. Someone might really watching us."

I started crying and punching him but he choked my neck while kissing me down.

" Taek agkk, s-strpp."

" You always turn me on everytime you choked and beg me to stop."

Fuck Tae is seriously crazy right now. I can't breathe anymore, somebody please help me.

" Kookie no-"

I suddenly heard Jimin outside. Huh? I thought they left when suddenly Tae was thrown to the floor leaving me finally to breathe.

" Omygad."

I coughed and tried to sit. I saw Jimin and the other two friends of Jk looked at me while with their shocked faces. I looked horrible. I suddenly feel embarrassed with my 4 buttons wrecked.

" Jin hyung what happened?"

I looked up and there I saw him. His worried doe eyes looking at me. I saw him looking at my exposed chest, he frowned and I looked down. All those bruises and hickeys are still visible. I covered it immediately.

" What are those Jin Hyung?" His tone suddenly get low looking at my chest and to Tae.

Tae dragged and stand me up.

" You kids should stop meddling in someone's marriage." Tae emphasizes the word marriage. I just gripped his hands.

" Why's Jin hyung has bruises? Is that why he wanted to divorce you?"

" Shut up kid and go to your class. This is none of your business."

" So you're physically abusing him, the bruises is still fresh and what were you even doing earlier at him? I clearly heard him telling you to stop." Jungkook fiercely told in Tae's face.
Tae suddenly hold Jk's collar.

" I said it's none of your business, he's my husband."

" Tae please let him go."

Jimin and his friends also went to Jk's side trying to stop Tae.

" Kookie let's go, someone might see us here."

" No, I won't go until I'm sure hyung is safe with his evil husband."

" Jk please... go..." I almost whisper to him. Tae is a real demon when he gets more more mad. I looked him at the eye, pleading him to go because I don't want him to get hurt.

The hallway suddenly got noisy meaning that students are starting to go in their respective class.

" Tae let go now." I demanded him and he slightly pushed Jk's chest and dragged me again. I looked back at them especially to him.

" I'm sorry." I mouthed to him so Tae won't hear.
bear all those annoying errors again. Trying my best to finish this as early as i can. don't forget to support this!

hyung's addiction | jinkookΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα