The One I Would Miss the Most

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Lyra slipped out of the bathroom and towards her room. It had been a very busy night and she was exhausted. Her father was on the grounds with his friends strengthening the wards, whatever that was. Almost the entire Weasley clan had decided to stay until it was time to board the Hogwarts Express.

Her parents had been elated that they would be able to host their friends for the very first time. Her Aunt Mione had left with Pansy and the twins to collect the clan. They promised to be back by the next day. She couldn't wait to meet other magical children. She supposed she'd be going to school with them soon. On her way to her bedroom she ran across the elder Mrs. Weasley.

"Off to bed then, dear?" She asked in a kind voice, looking down at Lyra with a warm smile.

"Yes'm." Replied to the aged witch.

"Oh, no need to be so formal. Your father may as well have been one of my own." She said as a matter of fact before gathering her into a gentle hug. "I'm so proud of him for having made such a fine family. He really needed it."

"What do you mean, Mrs. Weasley?"

"Your father never knew his parents, dear." She said in a somber tone. "They died tragically when he was a baby." That was the most shocking news she had heard all night. She had never known that about her Dad.

"The one thing I think he wanted more than anything was a family he could call his own." She said as she began to walk with Lyra down the hall towards her room. "And now he has Draco, you and your brothers. Your mother has made him so happy."

"Dad told me that only a few people knew that he was out here." Lyra added as they approached her room. "How many people knew?"

"I'm not entirely certain of that. I didn't even know your mother had fled with Harry. Hermione and Ronald may well have been the only Weasleys that knew the full picture. And of course Hermione knew where you lived. She is your parent's secret keeper." Mrs. Weasley opened her door. "Shall we get you tucked in, Dear?" She asked with her warm smile. Lyra nodded with her own smile.

"Really?" Lyra asked in surprise at the affection she was receiving from the woman.

"Of course." Molly said, entering the room. "I never got a chance when you were a baby."

Lyra crawled into her bed, slipping into her covers. Mrs. Weasley used her wand to pull the covers into just the right place. She used more magic to soften her pillows and mattress. The feeling was so wonderful Lyra was afraid she may never want to leave her bed again.

"How's that, Dearie?" She asked as she finished her spells.

"It's amazing, Mrs. Weasley. Thank you so much." Lyra really was grateful. It was amazing to have someone tuck you in magically.

"Just like your father," She huffed, "formal to a fault."

"Hmm, maybe we could have told you. I really could have used the help. At least the first time." They both turned to see her mother leaning against the door frame. She had an amused grin as she surveyed the two.

"Nonsense, Dear. You've raised a fine daughter. Very polite." Mrs. Weasley responded. "I wish my other daughter in laws were half as motherly as you. Maybe Ginny will come to you when she decides to settle." Her mother blushed at the praise before pushing herself from the frame and approaching the bed.

"Yes, well, I had Harry to help every step of the way." Her mother cleared her throat. "We learned pretty early on we needed each other for almost everything."

"Is that so?"

"Of course. It's the reason I knew I could count on him when I ran away from home."

"Oh my goodness, ol' Lucius sent me so many owls when you did that. He was furious. How did you know it would work out the way it did?"

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