Tired Hands, Loving Heart

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Tired Hands, Loving Heart by  SereneCalamity

Rated: K+
Langue: English
Genre: Family + Drama
Characters: Steve.R, Natasha.R, Sam.W, Wanda.M
Words: 2k+
Published: January 24th 2019


Sometimes Wanda Maximoff wondered how different her life would be if her brother were still here.

Or if her parents were still there.

She never let herself think about it for very long, because if she was being honest, it still hurt. So much. Even after all these years, and after all the things that she had done, the death of her family members was still there, right at the forefront of everything, only just underneath her skin like a barely concealed wound that was just waiting to be flayed back open.

Family was all she had had for so long.

After her parents died, her brother had been it.

And then he was gone.

But she had been lucky.

Some people lost the ones they loved and were never able to find another home.

But she had.

Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, Vision, Natasha Romanova, Sam Wilson—there were the rest of the Avengers as well, but they were the ones that she had felt the closest to.

And then after the whole problem with the Sokovia Accords, it had been Steve that had come to her rescue, and who had protected her, and had taken her in as though she was one of the most important people to him. He didn't hesitate for a second when it came to helping her, although she knew that was just him, loyalty and strength ran through his veins, and he would never have left anyone behind, but then afterwards, he had still stuck with her.

He had tried to help her build a life.

So did Natasha and Sam.

Natasha had been the one to surprise Wanda, because she had kind of just shown up one day, in the ratty hotel that they were staying at. Wanda had been prepared to go on the offensive, because she hadn't known about the airport, and how it had been Wanda that had saved Steve and Bucky Barnes from T'Challa. Steve hadn't talked much at that point, but Sam had ended up filling her in later.

Plus, the fact Natasha hung around made it obvious this was a permanent arrangement.

Steve did better with Natasha around, he was more stable.

And he was best when he was reunited with Bucky, when he was brought out of his cryogenic sleep, and that was when they were like a family.

When dad had all his family healthy and happy around him, he did better.

And that was when mum slipped into her role.

Right at the beginning, Wanda was pretty sure Natasha would give her this weird, rolling side eye and snip something sharp out at her if Wanda had called her 'mum'. But a couple of years later, and the dynamic was completely different. Natasha and Steve took turns waking her up when she had nightmares and was shouting out in whatever safe house or low rent hotel room they were staying in that month. Natasha and Steve fretted over her and ran through the rules like they were some overbearing, over worried parents and it kind of made Wanda's heart ache a little for what it would have been like if her parents had been alive when she was a teenager.

Natasha was the one who loaned her clothes and dyed her hair before she went to meet with Vision the first time.

Steve was the one who reminded her to check in as soon as she arrived and give her a kiss on the side of her head.

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