Good At Goodbyes

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Chapter 6


The moment her velvet lips crushed against his, Steve was instantly incapacitated. All thoughts of retaliation and strategy flew from his brain as his eyes struggled to register what was happening.

"Oh." Abruptly, Natasha pulled back, halting any chance he had to respond to the unexpected kiss. Her flushed face hovered mere inches above him and the normally meticulous spy looked as bewildered and as stunned as he felt.

Steve searched her face for an explanation, trying to make sense of the sudden rush of emotions flashing across her eyes. Lust, confusion, regret, fear. He watched them all and waited with bated breath to see what she would do next.

Natasha opened her mouth to say something, but then promptly closed it and looked as if she couldn't decide between making a joke or apologizing.

Without giving her a chance to try to talk her way out of it, he lifted his head and seized her lips with his own. Her hands tightened on his chest, yet they did not push him away. Tilting his head and nudging her mouth open wider, he was rewarded with an explosion of desire when her hot tongue darted forward to make contact with his own. Steve's eyes slid shut and one hand flew to the back of her head, while the other gripped her hip.

He couldn't believe what was happening. They were kissing – and not just a quick peck on the lips. She was kissing him back with just as much hunger and desperation as he felt. This was so far from their previous chaste or awkward kiss on the escalator. This was passion. This was like every kiss he had ever read about in great romance novels or seen at the picture theater. It was like free falling and melting all at the same time.

One of Natasha's hands snaked towards his neck and she tugged gently on the ends of his hair that was tangled in her fingers. He felt the world melt away around them. It was only her and the taste of her tongue wrestling with his own, and the satin feel of her skin as his hand moved from her hip to the base of her spine.

He couldn't get enough of her and it seemed like she felt the same way as she nipped playfully at his bottom lip with her sharp teeth. Steve's hips bucked upwards unconsciously in response to her actions, his hand boldly shifting to taking hold of her ass and squeezing it.

She gasped in surprise and mournfully tore her lips away from him to catch a much-needed mouthful of oxygen. Steve immediately felt the absence of her sweet lips and he leaned upwards again to catch her in another searing kiss - only to stop at the presence of a sly smile on her face.

"What?" he asked, surprised by how raw and desperate his voice sounded.

Her smile grew wider, and he realized that at some point her eyes had turned a darker shade of green. "Someone's been practicing," she teased, shifting her hips back and forth in tight circles.

Steve barely managed to swallow his moan. She had to know how much her shifting was causing his lower extremities to harden even more.

As if sensing his discomfort, she adjusted her position until she was perched directly over the straining bulge in his pants. The smile she wore was nothing short of a cat that had eaten a canary.

He hands tightened on her thighs, stilling her motions. "Keep that up Romanoff and you're going to find out just how much practice I've had."

If it was possible, her eyes darkened even more and the sight of her pink tongue as it darted out to lick her lips was more than he could bare. He pulled her back down towards him and in between taking hold of her mouth again, he rolled them over until she was cushioned beneath him and he was hovering above her.

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