Bruce Is Back

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Bruce Is Back by Natascha Romanoff

Language: English
Genre: Romance
Characters: Steve.R, Natasha.R, Bruce.B
Words: 2k+
Published: February 10 2018


Steve's life was perfect at the moment. He couldn't remember a time where he had been happier in his life than he was now. He could help and protect people as Captain America, Bucky was back and safe at the compound and the girl of his dreams was moving into his quarters. Really, this was the time of his life.

He sometimes still couldn't believe his luck that Natasha Romanoff was his girl. For the longest time he thought that he was the only with feelings but then one night while they had been on a mission in Canada she got into his bed saying that it was too cold and he should share his warmth with her. And then she was suddenly kissing him and his heart almost jumped out of his chest. He'd thought since Tony's party that Natasha had feelings for Bruce and he had lost her to him but then Bruce took off after Sokovia and Natasha and he got back into their routine they've had in DC. And then that night she kissed him and told him that she couldn't fight her feelings for him anymore. That happened six months ago and now he was helping her carrying her stuff into his quarters at the base.

He watched Natasha put her make up in the vanity they bought for the bedroom and couldn't stop smiling. He never dared to dream that he would ever get to have this with her. Watching make up free Natasha in his sweater and some yoga pants walking around a place that belonged to both of them. She smiled back at him when she saw him in the mirror of the vanity.

"What's gotten you in such a good mood?"

He walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her. "Just you."

She rolled her eyes playfully and turned in his arms to kiss him. He loved kissing her. "I think we should inaugurate the bed." She whispered against his lips.

"That bed isn't new." They did buy new furniture but the bed was still the old one that came with the quarters. He checked his watch. "And it's only 7 pm. Do you really wanna go to sleep already?"

"You're so cute sometimes." She kissed him again and slipped her tongue into his mouth. "We should celebrate this step in our relationship." She said after a wink and her hands moved to his belt.

Oh. That was what she meant with inaugurating the bed.

He was still on cloud nine the next day when they met the others for breakfast in the common kitchen. Bucky and Sam were as always bitching at each other but Nat assured him that they secretly liked each other and would probably be pissed if someone else would talk like that about the other one.

"So how was the first night at your place?" Bucky asked and wiggled his eyebrows. He had to be the only person besides Clint who wasn't afraid of Natasha. Not that Steve was afraid of her but he knew better than to make her mad. One day he forgot her favourite ice cream after a trip to the supermarket and she wouldn't let him into her quarters (or pants) for two days.

Natasha smirked and threw her butter knife at Bucky that he caught between his hands and used it to spread butter on his toast.

"Captain Rogers?" FRIDAY interrupted before Nat and Bucky would get into an actual fight.


"A quinjet is nearing the facility. It appears to be one of our own."

That couldn't be right. Every quinjet they had was in the hangar. The whole team was here. And even if Tony dropped by he preferred to take a private jet since his semi retirement. So who could it be?

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