I place the silver ring in the box and slowly close it shut, closing off my chapter as Chat Noir along with it. It's time to move on to the next chapter of my story—one as only Adrien Agreste. Closing the box was probably the hardest thing I've ever done but change is a part of life, I guess.

All things are always changing around us each day when you least expect it or are unaware of it. People, places, everything. I have to accept that even if it's difficult, sad, and scary.

"I'm so sorry, Plagg," I apologized as if the Kwami could actually hear me, "You might be somewhat lazy, like smelly things, and talk about cheese daily. But you were one of my closest friends actually you were like family to me. I wouldn't trade you for any other Kwami that exists."

I sniffle, shakily taking in a breath, "That's why this is going to be really hard for me to do. I-I can't continue using this power. I might actually do permanent damage. I hope you understand what I need to do."

I clutch the box tightly like I didn't want to let it go.

I need to let go.

It's for the best.

"You were right, Plagg. I was being dumb. All the excessive planning and the false reassurance. I was overthinking when I simply just have to give up being Chat Noir. That will fix all the problems and I'll be less of a burden to everyone...especially Ladybug."

A throbbing of guilt shoots through my chest like a bullet piercing it. I'll have to give Marinette my miraculous without revealing my identity. She can't know that I'm Chat Noir or it might endanger her.

I'll need to sneak the box into Marinette's room. This is an awful way of relenting the miraculous. I know it'll hurt Marinette. As much as I hate the thought of hurting her, I can't face Marinette, not as Chat Noir. Obviously, I can't avoid her at school. That'll be too suspicious but it'll be difficult to see her with everything that happened between us.

I'll go back to only being a teen model, Adrien Agreste. Although, it's not like anyone knew of my secret identity (except for Master Fu) and they probably won't care that Chat Noir is gone, anyway.

   Tomorrow, I'll drop it off.

   Tomorrow, I'll be back to being only Adrien Agreste.

   I just hope Marinette will understand why I'm doing this.

   I stare down at the box in my hand, endearingly caressing the top of the box's surface with my thumb.

   "Thank you, Plagg...for everything," I conclude, setting the box in the nightstand's drawer. I look at the box one last time before closing the drawer shut for the night. I gulp down a whimper wanting to break open my flood gates.

   A terrible feeling hits. My body trembles like the bitter cold air is nipping at my skin. I sit down on my bed, my knees unable to keep me standing any longer. I distressfully clutch the sides of my head with my hands. "This is for the best" continues to replay in my head, trying to convince myself what I'm doing is good.

The "convincing" part has yet to sink in.

I take a deep breath in and out. Once I recompose myself, I'll be regular Adrien Agreste tomorrow at school. I'll pretend nothing is wrong. Luckily, I'm really good at concealing my emotions (as sad as it sounds).

  Numbly, I ready myself for bed and hit the lights. I blankly stare at the ceiling, still struggling to accept the choice I'm making and the friend I'll have to abandon.


Marinette's P.O.V

   Today was a difficult day. I nearly drowned and died. Chat Noir nearly killed an akumatized victim. Mallorie ran off to who knows where with a promise to make my life more miserable. Now, I'm returning home and will have to face one of the people I don't want to see at the moment.

   I enter through the side door and notice dad urgently pacing the floor with a worried look etched in his features. He must have heard me enter and twisted his attention towards my direction. A wave of relief washes over his franticness and rushes over to me.

   I gasp at the sudden embrace. I relax in his arms and hug him back. I didn't realize how much I really needed it until now. I lean into his warmth and snuggle my face into his stomach.

   "I'm so glad you're okay," he said, concern laced within his voice, "Where's your sister? Is she okay?"

    "Uh...yeah. She's okay but I don't know where she went to after the akuma attack," I explained. I should have followed her. She still doesn't know Paris's layout very well and is probably lost somewhere in the city. I don't think she knows how to get back home. Although, I don't think she'll want to return tonight.

   "What? It's getting late out! We need to find her!" Dad exclaimed, pulling away from me to retrieve the bakery's phone, "I'm calling Roger to send out a search party. Hopefully, they'll find her."

   I make a noise of acknowledgment, seeing as dad is now busy trying to find Shadow. I have a feeling if Shadow doesn't want to be found, she'll do everything she can to stay hidden.

   I retreat up to my bedroom and sit on the chaise, letting everything that happened today really sink in.

"Marinette" Tikki worriedly said flying out of my purse, "I think there's something wrong with Chat Noir."

"Really? I had no idea," I sarcastically replied to my Kwami. I feel bad for being so rude but it's very obvious that Chat Noir isn't in the best mindset at the moment. It's a very dumb question on her part.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it like that," Tikki apologized before explaining her true meaning, "What I meant was, there's something wrong with Plagg. I can sense him through our bond but he has been going oddly quiet recently. It's off and on. What concerns me is he has been off for quite a while now."

"What do you mean by "off?" I asked, not likening the sound of it. It takes Tikki a few seconds to gather her words, "He might be in a state of deep sleep within the ring like when you first received me."

Great. Another thing to worry about. What is Chat Noir doing to Plagg? Why is Plagg in the ring and not freely roaming like Tikki? The more problems I hear about Chat Noir, the worse the feeling in the pit of my stomach twists. I need to find out what's wrong with Chat Noir before he does anything else drastically.

But I don't know his identity.

"What am I supposed to do?" I thought, laying down.

"Just give up. He obviously doesn't care about you if he's hiding things from you," that awful voice returns, "Plus, Mallorie hates your guts even more now. It's all your fault for not getting both of you out of there. You should have just died."

My eyes widen at the last thing said and clutch the comforter beneath me. My stomach twists into tighter knots. I feel both hot and cold, sweat suddenly coating my skin. I can feel my body start to hysterically shake. My head starts to pound like a drum is rattling my brain.

"Marinette, are you okay? You don't look so good," Tikki asked, gently. She floats down until she is hovering near my head. Then, she places a flipper-like arm on my forehead. She flinches away.

"You're burning up!" She said, trying to stay quiet, "Is there anything I can do? Do you want me to get you something?"

I'm unable to reply when the feeling of bile starts slithering up through my throat. I instinctively cover my mouth and rush over to my trash can. My contents from breakfast are now sitting in my wastebasket and producing a rotting smell.

My shaking grows worse as I lean against my desk. Everything is so cold! The taste in my mouth is atrocious! My head feels like it's having a level five earthquake!

I groan in anguish.

This sucks.


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