Itsy bitsy Airachnid Part 6

Start from the beginning

"Long story. Airachnid attacked me and Arcee. I tried to find a place to hide but she caught me from behind. And then just like that she released me." She explained before shrugging her shoulders at the last part but that threw Jack off a little as he looked at her in surprise.

"Whoa, whoa, back up. She released you?" He asked as he looked a little shocked but confused. Why did Airachnid just release Emily just like that?

"Let's just say that I annoyed her." Emily told him with a small grin and from the looks in their eyes, she will tell them how.

"This is not good. Knowing her, she must've had a reason for releasing you just like that. She loves hunting." Jack said as he started to think of ways of why and only came down with the explanation that since Airachnid is a scavenger and huntress, she must have released Emily for the hunt but why capture Smokescreen, Bulkhead, Bumblebee and Optimus?

"I just saw Bulkhead being dragged underground." Miko told Emily as she looked shocked and worried.

"Bee got stuck in some web lines." Raf sniffed as he was really worried for his brother figure.

"Smokescreen got stuck to a wall. This was her plan all along. She knew that the Autobots would be here so she decided to capture them." Jack told them as they became worried for what has befallen their Autobot friends and guardians, but for what?

"For what purpose?" Emily asked in confusion. They all tried to come up with a purpose before Jack looked at Emily and realized what Airachnid had in mind for the Autobots.

"For bait. She must've caught the Autobots as prey and now she's using them as bait." Jack said as he saw the picture in his mind of using the Autobots as bait. Sneaky Airachnid.

"So it would seem. The only question is, are we the prey?" She looked at them in confusion but saw the look on Jack's face, he was telling her that she was the prey just by looking in his eyes.

"I think that you're the prey." Jack told her as worry was surfacing through their faces.

"Megatron must've sent Airachnid to capture you. But since she loves good hunting, she didn't wanna do this the easy way." Raf pushed his glasses back a little as Emily had a serious look in her optic-eye as she looked at them with a plan in mind.

"So I guess I'll have to play her little game. Fine by me. If she wants me, she'll get me." She told them as she clenched her fists tightly. Messing with her is one thing but messing with her friends and family is another thing and she will be sure to let Airachnid know it.

"Got that right. Let's go save our friends." Miko said with a confident grin but Jack stopped her from running off before she got hurt.

"Slow down, Miko, we should call the base to see what we should do." Jack said as he looked at them as they knew that they needed a plan to rescue the others but calling the base might reassure their two friends.

"You forgot something. No signal." Miko reminded him as Raf looked thoughtful before looking at Jack.

"It's worth a shot." Raf nodded to Jack. They weren't able to get a good signal to contact base or Emily so why not try again.

"I'll try." Jack told them as he took out his phone.

Jack then used his phone to call the base and hoped that Ratchet would answer while praying that the others are okay.

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