_Parenthood_ pt.1

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Requested by no one. 

I just made this because, it came to mind and I wish to pad this book out, have more for people to read when I inevitably finish this book.
I know I made an announcement saying I'd post three parts when I post in general but, I don't have the other two ready, so I'll post this to give you something to read. 
Even though the title says 'parenthood', some of these will be Soley about pregnancy as it became uncomfortable to try and picture Rui as a father figure in some of these, like with his abusive (canon) persona and I don't want to go into detail about something like that.

My laptop has been acting up. What does it mean when the screen suddenly turns black but, it doesn't turn off?

 Various genders, time periods, and creature/status. 

This will contain modern + canon (Female and Male) 
Depending on the one you're reading, it'll be more angst than fluff or more fluff than angst.

Modern- Modern times
Canon- Time in Demon Slayer

There will be little to no dialogue. Kind of like all narration in a sense.

Word count (6595)
Human, Female (modern, fluff)

Rui never would guess that he would lead a life where'd he would make a family for himself. Never in a million years would he have dreamed of such a future where'd he has a loving wife. He didn't know how to react when he got told he'd be a father, he was scared at first, in disbelief even. 

Over time, he had gotten around to accepting the news that'd he would soon be a father. When it came time to reveal the gender, his heart nearly stopped when he realized the child was a boy. He didn't care all that much what the gender would be but, he couldn't help the tears that would flow down his cheeks. 

He nearly jumped out of his skin when (Y/N) was yelling at him, dead in the night about her water breaking. He never jumped up and got dressed so fast in his life. He drove them to the hospital, screaming his lungs out to get anyone's attention for the sake of his wife who was about to be in labor soon.

It was a gruesome eight hours before it was time for the baby to be delivered. He had been escorted out of the room by a nurse. He had felt completely useless and hopeless as he could hear (Y/N) screaming in pain. 

It wasn't until a mere hour that it all stopped and feeble crying could be heard from the room. He busted the door open to see (Y/N) holding their child to her bare chest. She looked exhausted, that much was for sure as she looked over at him tiredly but, managed a weak smile. Their son had snips of Rui's hair and (Y/N)'s complexion. His eyes were a mystery for now.

It was such a time in his life where he completely threw everything out of the window and embraced her, minding the fragile child cradled in her arms. Right then and there, he knew what his father meant when he had told him what it felt like, when Rui was first born, it felt like nothing else mattered but Rui and his wife. 

Once (Y/N) was well enough, Rui had taken her and their child home. He learned during the very first night just how difficult it'd be. The restless nights, the endless hunger, the vomiting, the pooping and peeing and many more trials that it dawned on him just how hard it would be from there and moving forward. 

He had taken the duty of caring for their child, who they named (c/n), while (Y/N) took all the time she needed to heal properly. She was most grateful for it but, at first, she protested, stating he should get some rest as he still had work to do. He declined and always made her rest. There were moments where he wishes he had taken her offer but reminded himself he needed to help as well. 

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