Author Note

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From now on the title's won't have phrases anymore. I'll just simply say what the story will be about like, if it's a special and what it's going to be about. 

Put in simple terms, it'll be different. This really wasn't worth to type and for you to read, but I just wanted to inform you of the change in case someone would ask. 

Now regarding my absence for a year or two, put in a creative term...I was procrastinating for the most part, twiddled in with school, sprinkled in with not having motivation to continue writing and to top it off, life issues. Nothing too serious but still something I've had to deal with. 

Anyways, I got a computer on Christmas. It's not too big, it's a little on the smaller side but it's cool. It makes it easier to type and make stories. I don't know how to use it. I've had a computer before, but I broke it because I believe I was on it too much, playing wizard 101, cartoon network and nickelodeon games that I can't find anymore and quite a lot more I don't remember well. My Nana, the one who got me it said I also had second computer, but I don't remember having another than the one I mentioned before. Technically this is my third one if what my Nana says is true.

I wish it was this effortless to do the requests you guys had a whole year ago but nah. Also, with how short the chapters are they don't make up for the time I spent away and I'm sorry for that. I'll try and improve my writing and whatnot to make it less cringy and whatnot but regardless you guys read them anyways so...

I'll try and stick around more to do more requests but don't expect me to be around as much as I was when I first started but I'll stick around more than I did in 2020 and 2021. I'm simply just not as interested in the franchise and its characters as much anymore, not completely but enough that I'm not too motivated to continue but will push onward for your sake, now, keep in mind it totally, in my opinion isn't worth it. I recommend that you guys simply move on and forget about this book and find something better. 

I wasn't expecting for this book to blow up as much as it did, and I wished I was as invested in this book as much as you guys probably are or maybe you guys only came here to judge my book to death but regardless, I hope you have a nice day/afternoon/night and I apologize once more for my absence and the chapters that weren't worth the wait.

(Written a couple of minutes before New Year's Eve, December 31)

You don't have to read what's at the bottom of this comment, you can just move on if you don't want to read me ranting on movies and shows I think should get more attention.

Do you guys know what B the beginning is? Could you guys maybe make a oneshot book for it? Mostly for Koku? I've been looking for books involving it but I've only seen like three books, all disconnected.

THINGS I RECOMMEND TO WATCH, don't have to but maybe give it a look. 

-B the beginning (2018, Anime, Netflix. Personally, don't have Netflix so I can't watch it on my own time, only at my Nana's house)

-Mune guardian of the moon (2015, Movie, HBO Max/maybe, never seen it, only clips from YouTube.)

-Frog Kingdom (Terrible padding time to be warned, 2015, movie, did enjoy even though people would insist it is bad, understandable.)

-Panda Warrior (Terrible padding time, still enjoyed it, personally.)

-Nezha (2019, Amazing movie, deserves more attention, Netflix)

-Nezha reborn (Personally would prefer the 2019 one, this isn't a sequel, Netflix)

-Journey to the west: reincarnation of the Demon King (Never watched it, don't know where but maybe check out the trailers, only in Chinese, I think.)

-Hellboy 2, The golden Army (2008, thought it'd be cool to see if you haven't)

-Watchmen (This isn't the series one, but the film that came out in 2009. Keep in mind, it's very matured themed and I don't recommend it to people who are uncomfortable with gore, sexual themes, attempted violation in one scene, violence and other things present. I personally don't remember much about it, and I can't exactly watch it to remember, I believe it isn't free and you have to buy or rent it on demand, if memory serves. Again, I don't recommend it to people who aren't comfortable with the themes mentioned beforehand and you can simply forget it, up to you.)

Right here, type what you think is a show, movie, YouTuber, etc. that should get more attention, like something that is underrated.

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