*Onesie Rui* pt.2 (Finale)

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Wasn't requested by anyone. Just felt like doing this out of nowhere and just wanted to do this to pass the time.

Fluff+ Cringe+ Human Au+ Modern times+ Short, although longer than the first part.

gender neutral reader

993 words.


(Y/N) knocked on the wooden door and waited for someone to open the door. Before long, Rui's father had answered the door, peeping through the peep hole and opening the door. They greeted him with a toothy smile, and he returned it albeit more crooked.

"(Y/N), what brings you here? Let me guess, Rui?" They nod at him, keeping their arms behind their back. Rui's father took notice and tilted his head to try and get a look at it but they moved their body accordingly.

"What do you have there behind you back? A bomb? I certainly hope not." They shook their head, a grin now sprouting onto their face. "Well, I'll buy your word for it, young lady/Man." (Y/N) could hear a hint of playfulness in his tone and giggled as they nodded their head.

Rui's father moved out of the way to let them pass and they happily did so, dashing up the stairs. He caught a glimpse of a box behind their back. He looked on as they rushed up stairs and out of sight. He shrugged his shoulder and went about his business to find his wife.

Once they had made it up the stairs, they creeped to Rui's room, slowly. They overexaggerated their movements, moving slowly, extending each leg carefully, and pressed their shoes to the ground firmly. They even had a fully concentrated look on their face.

Their shoes made the floor creak and squeak. They held their breath and stopped moving every time they made a step. It probably took a solid five minutes for them to actually get to his room door. They raised a hand and clenched the doorknob, slowly turning it and opened the door to his room.

They were met with an empty room once more. Rui wasn't in sight. They walked into the room keeping an ear out to try and detect their frien-



They swiftly turned around to see a grinning Rui. He was holding his stomach as he laughed. They huffed as they watched him. This went on for a minute or so before he calmed down, wiping a stray tear. He heaved a sigh and moved over to his bed, sitting on it.

"Okay, so why're you here? I didn't receive a text alerting me of your arrival."

"Haha, you see. I wanted to do something..."

"And what is this something...?"

(Y/N) nervously laughed. They would've scratched the back of their neck, but their hands were occupied behind their back. Rui definitely took notice of the box behind them, and they knew it. He was hiding behind the door when they came in, he couldn't have missed that.

"Mind telling me what you got there, behind your back? Is it a bomb?"

"What? No! God, why does you and your father think it's a bomb?!"

"Because it looks homemade! Plus, you tried to hide it behind your back!"

"Yeah, and it seems very suspicious! Just the right size too!"

Rui and (Y/N) froze as they heard voices behind the door, no doubt, Rui's mother and father. "Mom, Dad! Leave us alone!" His tone was dripping with embarrassment as hurried footsteps ran down the hall and down the stairs, their giggles could be heard as well.

(Y/N) simply stood there as Rui looked down in embarrassment, muttering an apology. They accepted for the sake of making him feel better. (Y/N) excused themselves to the bathroom to which Rui hummed.

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