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01 - meet
POV: Kiibo
Translations are found at the end of a chapter!

01 - meet———————POV: Kiibo———————Translations are found at the end of a chapter!

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The moment I walked into the bookstore, a husky voice spoke up. "Ah Salut Salut! Bienvenue dans notre librairie, dis-moi si tu as besoin d'aide!" I stared at the man in confusion, I guess he noticed because he spoke up again. "Tu est n'a pas Français?" It sounded like he was asking me something, so I just shook my head no. "Ok, Im guessing you don't know French."

"Nope, I don't. I'm actually here to buy a book on basic French." I replied, nervously tugging at the bottom of my shirt.

"Oh! Follow me then!" He beamed before quickly walking off, I sped walked behind him while he looked around. He suddenly stoped in his tracks, causing me to almost bump into him. Though, I caught myself. He went onto his tippy toes (which was surprising that he needed to considering the fact he looked around 5'10) and grabbed a book from the top shelve. It had "French for dummies" in big black font. I think i've heard of that book chain before, they call everything 'for dummies'. "Here you go, let's get you ringed up." He spoke while putting the book into my hands. I nodded and followed him to the counter.

While ringing up my total, he looked at me weirdly. He seemed to be thinking. "So, what made you choose to come to Paris?" He suddenly asked, still typing something into his computer.

"Oh uh- school stuff." Wow, so smooth Keebo, hardly able to speak in front of a handsome guy.

"Oh that's fun! How long as you guys staying?"

"I think we're staying for a year? We're from Hopes-Peak and all of our ultimates require us to travel a lot, so I guess it's just to get us used to traveling."

"Hopes Peak you say? I just graduated their online school courses last year! What grade are you in? If you don't mind me asking-" he stammered the last part.

"Oh, I graduated last year too, but due to us only being 17 when we graduated, we couldn't go onto the trip until we turned 18. They still payed for it, though. I did it in person, which would make sense on why I've never seen you before."

"Oh that's awesome! Well, it was nice meeting you.." he paused, realizing he doesn't know my name.


"It was nice meeting you Keebo, I'm Amami by the way, feel free to stop by any time if you need books or just want to chat!" Amami smiled, handing me my bag. I nodded and mumbled a 'thank you' before leaving the store. I pulled out my phone to text the others, to let them know I was on my way back.

Keebo: Hey guys, I'm on my way back. It seems to be a 10 minute walk.

Kokichi: K didn't ask

Shuichi: Ok, get home saftely!

Korekiyo: Yes yes, please get home safely. Saihara and I have spoken and need to have a sit down chat with all of us when you can attend.

Keebo: Sounds good Kork, I'll be there shortly.

I shoved my phone back into my pocket and made my way to our shared apartment. It was indeed only a 10 minute walk, but even then I got time to enjoy Paris a little bit. It was so different compared to where we were from, I couldn't event understand what people were saying! Well, hopefully this book will help me.

 It was so different compared to where we were from, I couldn't event understand what people were saying! Well, hopefully this book will help me

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"Ah Salut Salut! Bienvenue dans notre librairie, dis-moi si tu as besoin d'aide!"
Ah hello hello! Welcome to our book store, let me know if you need any help!


"Tu est n'a pas Français?"
Aren't you french?

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