Sammy ended up studying at Stanford. I was proud of him, but I missed him so much and more than anything I just wanted my family to be back together again.

13 year old Ella's P.O.V

Dad had taken off on a hunt while Dean and I went on our own. Some voodoo thing, down in New Orleans. We finished the job and tried to contact Dad, but he never picked up. We eventually found out about the case Dad was working on before he M.I.A. He was checking out this two lane blacktop just outside of Jericho, California. There seemed to be a lot of disappearances along the Centennial Highway. All the victims that went missing had one thing in common they were all men.

Dean and I were beyond worried about Dad, because it had been a while since we heard from him. Then Dean received a strange voicemail from Dad on his phone. We analyzed the message and found an eerie E.V.P of a woman's voice saying, "I can never go home..."

I could barely keep my eyes open as I laid curled in a ball in the passenger seat of the Impala. I yawn as I pulled my warm fuzzy blanket tightly around me. It was so cold and too freaking early in the morning. I mean, it was still dark outside. The sun wasn't even up yet and I just wanted to sleep in for once, but no, because Dean had other plans.

I was already beyond exhausted and Dean chose to wake me up super early in the morning out of a weird dream I kept having for the past couple days.

These weird reoccurring dreams are of a blond haired blue eyed woman sitting on a bench in a beautiful park. She's always writing in her journal and every time I try to see what she's writing she closes her book. Then she walks away and I wake up shivering, because it literally feels like the AC's on full blast.

I desperately tried to go back to sleep this morning, but was interrupted by the most horrific wake up call I didn't' even ask for. All thanks to my annoying big brother Dean. Don't get me wrong I love him, but sometimes he can just get on my nerves like this morning at 4am. Dean shook me awake, but I was just so tired and groaned, "Just five more minutes."

"We can do this the easy way, or the hard way..."He warned as he continued to shake me awake.

"I don't care, whatever gives me five more minutes."I yawned with my eyes closed. I curled further into the warmth of the blankets with no intention of getting up at all. Then I heard him mischievously laugh as he yanked the blankets off of me. I shivered uncontrollably as the cold air enveloped me.

"Hey, it's cold and I'm too tired for this."I grumbled as I tried to reach for the blankets with my eyes still closed.

"I warned you, Elle."He stated. I was beyond confused and wondered what he meant, but before I could ask what he was gonna do I felt icy cold water fall all over me completely drenching my clothes.

My eyes shot open as I screamed bloody murder while jumping up on the bed. As if that was gonna help me escape the cold water that was dripping down my soaking wet clothes. I seriously, looked like I'd been out in the pouring rain for hours without an umbrella. I glared at Dean as he laughed near the base of the bed while holding up an big empty ice bucket. I walked towards him and tripped on the blankets nearly falling off the bed. He quickly swooped in and managed to catch me before I could bust my head open like a pinata on the hardwood floor.

"Clumsy as ever little sis."Dean chuckled as he set me down on my feet. I was already cold why did he have to make it worse. I glared up at him as my entire body trembled from the freezing cold.

"What the hell was that for?"I hissed through chattering teeth.

"I did warn you Elle. Next time you'll remember to get up when I tell you to wake you up or you can relive this Kodak moment all over again."He smirked as he held up his phone and took a photo of me.

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