Chapter 4 : Elizabeth Eleonor Richter

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Sorry I haven't updated recently :') I was kinda busy with private stuff... But here's chapter 4!

Months have passed and everything stayed the same. Giving my brothers and sisters tasks, reading books, going shopping and so on. Except for one thing. At the late evenings Frederick, Lorenz and I would spend our time together. Sometimes even when we have nothing to do. We would talk about what we did when we weren't together and talking about our childhood. Everything seemed perfect. For the first time in years I felt free. Free to do something that makes me happy. Free for an amount of time where I don't have to make plans for finding and killing the murderer of my father.


I was sitting bored in my bureau not knowing what to do. I could have went to Frederick and Lorenz but I was afraid that I'll be annoying them and that they're Busy. I started to drift into my dark thoughts and memories again like I always did when I felt lonely when I suddenly heard someone coming into my bureau. "Frederick!" I yelped in surprise. "Hey! I hope you're not busy... I wanted to ask you if you want to go on a walk with me." he smiled softly standing straight.
I smiled " Yes I'd like that". He smiled even brighter and gestured my hand to hook into his, and when we were  linked into eachother, we walked to the market. We put our hoods on and walked through the crowds when we suddenly hear a desperate scream. It came from a dark alleyway. We instantly got into a fighting stance signilizing that I'd climb up on the roof and he'd enter the alleyway. I climbed up the building and took a peek. There were some ugly men and a helpless young woman. Just thinking of what they wanted to do with her disgusted me. Frederick walked pretty relaxed to the men. "Hello sirs, I'm sorry but I need you to leave." he smiled. Suddenly his face turned dark. "Or else you'll have to pay with your life." "WHAT DO YOU WANNA DO HUH???" the second one  of the men yelled. "YOU'RE OUTNUMBERED!!" the Leader  of the gang  yelled. I jumped from the building onto the 2 and killed them, blood sproodling out of their necks. The leader instantly got scared and looked terrified at us. "Seems like you're the outnumbered one now" Frederick said devishly smirking. He was against a wall so he couldn't escape. They only thing he could do was that what he did : he fell onto the ground "PLEASE SPARE ME I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING" he cried out.
"Well you didn't do anything yet but you wanted to and if it weren't us you'd already have done that y what's on your mind." I said in an annoyed tone. "Well it's your honor m'lady." Frederick said.
"Thank you" I smiled. Firstly shooting in his leg and then breaking his neck with my hands he died a probably painful death. I turned around to the girl. " Hey it's ok nothing will happen to you. You're safe. I said softly, stroking her shoulders.
The girl looked up with her green wet eyes, still sobbing. The green eyes and her green dress matched perfectly together. It seems like she was from the Nobility since she had gold accessories. She stood up " T-thank you... I don't even want to think of what would have happened if you wouldn't have interfered..." she looked down. "My Name is Elizabeth Eleonor Richter." she smiled lightly. "I will promise you I'll be able to thank you somehow just tell me what you want money? Food?" she asked. I looked at Frederick him just shaking his head. "We don't need anything. It's our duty to protect the Innocents." I smiled. "Still, I am Beholden to give you something in return, so when you'll ever need something, I live there just come by and I'll try to help." she said softly. That brought me an idea. Since she's part of the nobility she'll probably know something about the Templars. Maybe we could use her as an Insider. " Well Elizabeth... I got a question.. " she looked Attentive at me" do you somehow got a connection to the Templars?" I asked." Sadly yes, my father is one but... I despise the Templars... I mean how can they kill Innocent people. " she said. I looked at Frederick and I saw that he was Distrustful.
I turned my head back to Elizabeth." Well, is it possible for you to get Informations for us? Of course you'll get paid when you'll give us information more than 1 time." I said." Oh no no no you won't have to pay me! I mean I want the templars to fall so I guess that's the least thing I can do to help! " she answered. Somehow I knew that this girl was honest." Alright, so, is it a deal? " I held my hand to her so she'd shake it. " It's a deal! " she answered determined, shaking my hand. With that,she went home and we also returned to our Hideout ." Do you really trust her?" Frederick asked. "I do" I answered. "plus she's our only chance to get informations on how to beat them." I said confident. " Alright then, I still don't trust her, but I trust you, so I'll follow you even if it means I'll die." he answered. " that's sweet" I answered smiling slightly. With that I went to my sleeping room and went to bed. What a day...

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