Chapter 2 : A New Master Assassin

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So this is chapter 2 :D

5 years later...

Being on the top of a building I investigated  my surroundings. Then I noticed Templars. Without hesitating I assassinated them by jumping from the building onto them and stabbing my hidden blades in their neck. It felt so good to slowly intimidate my enemy. My target.
Noticing a small market I grabbed  an apple and bit into it, while disappearing into the crowd, hearing the Salesman shout after me.
I returned to the hideout kinda nervous since today I'll become the Master Assassin. You're probably wondering why I became it so late after the death of my father right? Well I just wasn't prepared enough but gladly Hanz tutored me. As I asked him if he wants to become the Master Assassin he instantly denied saying that this title belongs to me since I'm his daughter. He was right but was I ready for it? I always was Spirited.
But not as dumb and easy to Distract as back then.

Hours later

We were all sitting at the table eating. Probably the people could see I'm nervous since they were looking at me a little worried and talking to me like I'm a doll that would break if you say something wrong. "Today is the day Brothers and sisters! Today we will again get a Master Assassin! " Hanz said happy.
Everyone was clapping and Hanz gestured me to stand up and say something. So I stood up.
" Thank you everyone" I tried to say as confident as possible. " I'm sure I'll be able to be the Master Assassin and the Leader of this Brotherhood. May my Father still guide us." and with that I ended my speech. My sisters and brothers also stood up and held their wine glasses above.
Everyone said synchron : Lavoriamo al buio, per servire la luce. Siamo Assassini. Nulla è vero. Tutto è permesso. " With that all of us took a sip of our glass and sat down.


"Mentor!" a young assassin yelled.
"Yes?" I answered looking at them, probably them knowing I'm annoyed.
"I-I assassinated the Target, Master!" the young one said straightening their position.
"Good... Here.. Your reward.." I gave them their money and gestured them to get out - so they did. I continued reading my book sighing in frustration that I wasn't able to continue my mission in finding my father's murder. Soon I heard a voice that I liked very much to hear - Frederick's voice. "Hey, how are you doing?" he asked in a worried tone, smiling softly. I closed my book smiled softly at him and gestured to take a seat. "I'm doing alright I guess.." I answered. He sat down then looking at me shaking his head. "*sigh* I know that you're not alright... You know that you can tell Me everything right?" he said. "I know that Frederick... By the way when will Lorenz come back from his journey? He's now gone since over 6 years..." I said looking down to my tea that's already gotten cold. "I honestly can't give you an answer to that, sorry." he said making nervous gestures with his hands. I stood up from my seat went to the hot teapot, put tea in a cup and went to Frederick. "Here." I said looking down at him handing him the tea.
He looked up and his brown eyes began to shine.
"Thank you Master" he said smiling bright and accepting the cup of hot tea . "I told you to not call me Master. After all you're not a recruit." I said kinda sternly. He sighed "OK ok" he chuckled, taking a sip from the hot tea. "OUCH" it's still hot!" he yelped like a puppy. Looking at him like he's a fool I sighed in disbelief " Of course it's hot you dumbass. I mean who on earth serves someone not hot  tea?" I asked in fake annoyance.
" I know that everyone serves hot tea! But I didn't expect it to be THIS hot!" he protested. I shook my head at his childish behavior - it's just too ridiculous sometimes. I went back to my seat again and sat down, focused looking at the book I'm reading. "What are you reading?" he asked, looking at me with his brown eyes. "It's just a novel, about a love story that's kind of like Romeos and Juliets." I whispered. "I see..." he stood up from his seat put his cup on the table and took the book looking through the first pages. "It seems.. interesting... Can I borrow it when you're done?" he asked his gaze still focused on the book. Looking at him I nodded "You can, but you will need to wait a while since I'm not that much of a fast reader. But how come you are interested in  novels that are about love?" I asked looking up to him. His gaze fell down onto me. "Why are you asking?" "Is it weird for a man to like these kinds of stories?" he asked in a slight mocking tone. "No it's not weird, it's just I didn't think that this would interest you." I slightly said. "Well..." he put the book on the table again straightening his posture "-I must go now, I will go to the Market and buy Food for our brothers and sisters that will be a 10 out of 10." he said smiling brightly. "Frederick that ain't your task it's mine. And plus it'd be to expensive to buy food that'll be a " 10 out of 10". " I said looking sternly at him. He started to grin like a little child taking out a bag of money. Much money." Where did you get so many of it. " I said sternly and slight angry." Just pick pocketing some Templars. " he said grinning like he won something - which he probably did.
"As long as it are just Templars." I said waving my hand off and blowing a stray of hair off of my face. "Do you want to come with me?" Frederick asked still grinning. "I'm afraid I can't." I said showing no emotions on the outside but kinda feeling down on the inside. "Well ok! Is there anything you want me to bring you?" he asked. I could hear the slight disappointment in his voice, but I got duties to follow. I have my priorities I thought to myself. "It would be nice if you could bring me an Apple." I said looking him deeply into the eyes, which he returned. Somehow we never had a problem with looking eachother deep in the eyes. Except for when I was younger. "Alright" he said stretching himself. "I'm on my way Master!" he said. "I told you not to call me that!" I said angry. "I don't want you to waste my time saying things like these." I said now very raged. "OK I'm sorry." he said and with one blink he was gone. Maybe I overreacted...? I asked myself. No. I tried to shake this thought out of my mind. I am a Master Assassin I got duties to follow. I can't do whatever I want. And with that I went back to my table.

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