Chapter 1 : Worst Day Of My Life

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                                   Germany,Berlin  1933

I remember it like it was yesterday. My worst day of my life. The day where I lost the last thing I love. My father the Master Assassin called me to wake up because we wanted to go to the market..

"Hey wake up sleepy head!" he shouted.
"mhmrm" I murmured.
He slammed the door open and I instantly jumped out of my bed.
"Come now! You've already slept enough! Get yourself ready I'll wait downstairs."
"okayyyy" I answered in a lazy tone
With that he went out of my room and I started to get myself ready. Looking in the mirror I felt confident. I mean yeah I had some scars on my face, but that only proved how much I'm training to show my father that I'm worthy. I stepped out of my room and went downstairs and greeted my fellow brothers and sisters of the brotherhood.
"Hey how ya feeling you sleepy pig" I heard a too fimiliar voice mock me. "Oh shut up Frederick." I said in a fake annoyed tone. We've been friends since we're little and we get along so well, but sometimes he gets on my nerves. "Just so you know I'm heading out with my father to the market so see ya later!". "well  have fun!" he shouted while waving me goodbye. "there you are" my father said rubbing my head. "DADDDDD I SPENT WAY TOO LONG ON THIS HAIRSTYLE!!" I shouted. He just shrugged with his shoulders and we walked to the market. Man, was there alot of trouble. Man hitting their women, kids having fun playing, also some kid crying, drunk people who drink their sorrows away... It's pretty sad to live here..especially because it's the Nazi time..then something caught my eye -  a beautiful necklace ! I was completely distracted  and didn't hear anything except my father telling me to put on my hood. I sadly didn't listen to him. Because in the moment my hood was down Templars identified me. One of them was pointing a gun at me but I didn't notice. Then I just heard a loud bang and only  saw from the corner of my eye my father falling. It was like time froze. I felt tears coming to eyes.
"FATHER" I screamed from the top of my lungs.
Before I did anything I firstly killed the Templars. Hopefully painfully. But the Murderer got away, because my legs started to get weak. Civilists ran away and I heard probably thousands of scared screams. I ran to my father crying knowing I lost my second parent. "Father..."
He was already dead because all I saw were his glassy lifeless eyes. I started to breath heavily not being able to Understand he actually is dead. Killed by Templars. It felt like it was all my fault, and it probably was. I started to get on my legs, successfully. I pulled his lifeless body to me and walked with him over him shoulders to our hideout. Some of the new Assassins who are still getting trained saw us as the First. Some of them ran to me, others ran away to get the others. I laid my father on one of the benches looking at him while sobbing. "Is he..?" one of the new assassins asked. I just nodded while closing my eyes. Tears dropped onto my father. I opened my eyes again looking into his lifeless ones. I softly closed his eyes and decided to take the jabot Collar from him. "What happened??" Hanz the father of Frederick asked before seeing my father's body. Margarete, the mother of Frederick, also came but she immeadeatly noticed his dead body. I looked to them and then to my father keeping my hands on his. They're already so cold. Frederick came now immeadeatly hugging me from the side. "I'm so sorry..." he whispered. I said nothing, all I could do in that moment was staring down at my father, while holding his so cold hand. Hours later we buried him nearby our hideout. I swore to myself for the sake of my father to find his murderer and kill him slowly and painfully. From that day on I didn't have time for something else.

(A/N) : Sooo, it's really bad I know qwq sorry-

Still! If you have any Requests ( it doesn't matter from which Fandom it is) just tell me! I love it to get to know New things!
So that's all for now! Stay tuned for chapter 2!

Love y'all! ~

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