Chapter Thirteen.

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joelle's pov;
"in my opinion, you're just jealous." Michaela starts.
we climbed to the mid-roof of our house, and we were sitting, our legs hanging off the high perched deck.
i shook my head at her words, leaning back.
"i mean, you were the one who broke up with him." Michaela leans back also.
"shut up."
"im just saying."
"you dont even get it. you have wesley."
"no no no. i get it. you're jealous, and i know-"
"not jealous."
"fine, if you're not jealous, then you are totally fine that carl and lydia are going out?"
"they're not going out."
"seems to me like they are." michaela sits up. "but since you're not jealous, you are okay with it?"
"fine. im jealous." i sigh, sitting up also, pulling my knees to my chest.
"how did you two get up there?!" a voice beams from below, and i look down to see rain.
"we fucking flew." i start, flailing my arms.
"she used her superpowers to throw me." michaela says also, kind of wiggling her eyebrows.
"whatever. later." rain rolls her eyes, starting to walk away.
"have fun with your boyfriend!" michaela yells.
"yea, and be quieter next time!" i scream also, and rain turns around, her mouth wide.
michaela slaps me hard in the arm, the two of us cracking up.
i run down the 'street', and turn the corner at alicia's house.
it was about eight o'clock at night, nearly fully dark outside.
i jogged up the steps, and knocked on the door repeatedly until alicia opened it.
"ugh. not you again. i still dont forgive you for leaving me." alicia says, shaking her head. "but come in."
i chuckle, stepping inside, and she closes the door behind me.
"alright. i gotta go put catherine to bed, you can talk to beatrice if you want." alicia says, and catherine skips into the room, a Disney princess nightgown on, and a light brown teddy bear in her right hand.
"you going to bed?" i asked, smiling.
she nodded, stepping toward me.
"night joey." she said, and wrapped her arms around me.
I reluctantly hugged her back, and when she released, she turned and raced up the stairs.
i chuckled, and stepped into the kitchen to see beatrice sitting on a stool, leaning over the granite countertop, whilst eating a green apple.
"hey." i said, dragging the mahogany colored stool over, and sitting on it.
i hunched over the counter, and smiled at her.
"hello." she replied, taking a bite out of her apple.
"can i call you bea? you know, like a nickname?"
"sure. most people call me tris, but you can call me bea. thats fine." she said kind of quiet, and gave me a small smile.
"so, alicia. she really doesnt like me, does she?" i chuckled, leaning my head on my hands.
"i dont think she minds you. she just thinks your, hmm, so to say, 'outgoing.'"
i chuckle at her statement, but my smile immediately fades when i turn to the left.
"oh, joelle! what are you doing here?" the girl with the purple hair said. lydia.
i gritted my teeth at her fake peppiness.
"where are you going?" i asked, furrowing my eyebrows.
"to go see my boy toy." she says, smirking. "you know, the one you dumped." the words rolled off her tongue deviously.
"yea. i know." i said, as she walked out of the room.
i stood up, trailing after her.
"where are you going?" beatrice asks, walking after me.
"to follow them. how could i not?" i reply, shaking my head.
"just leave them. i dont think they're really doing anything."

Give Me Hope || {twd} ➳ book two of the hope series.Where stories live. Discover now