"Oh! Thanks," Holden took the safety laser from her.

"Uhm... it's a good thing we found that out before Holden's things light on fire, I never saw one before," Hector interjected. "Wait how'd you know that, Perfida?"

"Papoli has one, he'd use it to light cigars," Perfida replied.

"Thank you, Papoli," Hector murmured.

"So if it's camp, why aren't their any tents and sleeping? you guys have to bring you own?"

"Nope, we'll be sleeping in a cabin," Holden said.

"Oh! cool."

"I think I'm all set for tomorrow."

"That's good, son, just double check again tomorrow." 

"By the way, me and March met the new neighbours across the street."

"Oh! Capt. Howes, yes. We saw him today, his son, Vance will be in AII with you and March."

"Is it okay if I go out to show him around the city tomorrow with March?"

"Sure, Peachy pie," Ophelia said to Perfida, Perdita smiled that their mom allowed Perfida to go hang with March and Vance again.

"Yeah, he will be going to the same school with you anyway and we met his dad so it's fine."

"Thanks! mom, Thanks! dad," Perfida said to them.

"Let's eat, food is ready, help me set the table," Ophelia said aloud.

"Okay, mom," Perfida and Holden said, they stood up from the sofa and head to the kitchen with Ophelia.

The next morning, a very early morning around 5 a.m, Perfida, Holden and Ophelia were having breakfast. Perdita stayed in the bedroom looking through the window hoping to see Vance but his window was covered with curtains, probably still sleeping so instead she saw Capt. Howes coming out of the house wearing his jogging outfit and saw Hector so he walked over to him.

"Morning! commander," Capt. Howes said.

"Morning, captain," Hector said back. "Going for a morning run?"

"Yeah, so what's this? are you going on a trip?"

"My wife and I will be driving my son to base camp out of town for a month."

"Oh! so the whole family will be out?" Capt. Howes asked, he was confuse because he knew that Vance and Perfida hanging out later.

"Actually my step-daughter, Perfida, won't be coming with us but we will drive her to her grandfather".

"I see, I'm glad my son met such a fine girl to be his friend here in Ares city."

"She is, so don't you worry about your son, he will be with a good influence."

"Great! I better start running so I can get to work later," Capt. Howes slowly walked back.

"Right, right, I'll see you before fall."

"Yes, have a safe trip," Capt. Howes started his run. 

Later, the family were inside the car and were on their to Archie just the other side of the city. "Peachy, are you sure you're gonna be okay while we're gone?" Ophelia asked.

"Yeah, mom, don't worry about me," Perfida assured her. They finally arrived in Archie house, it was a modern mud house lodge and it big and luxurious but way different than his old home with a lake at the back which made so peaceful for him live, his collection of classic vintage cars were there too, it was secluded with spacious grassy frontyard where they saw the twin's grandfather, Archie, late-sixties but still looked good for his age, silver fox hair high fade pompadour wearing a grey shirt and fitted jogger pants with sport shoes, Harrison the senior Mastiff dog and Bryce, her little half-brother, playing catch then they stopped as they saw their car stopped at their driveway, Perfida, Perdita, Ophelia and Holden got out of the car. "Hi! Papoli. hey! Bryce!"

"Hey! Peach," Archie waved at her, Hector got out of the car and went at the back to get Perfida's thing with Holden's help.

"Peachy!" Bryce exclaimed and ran to her with open arms, he was an eight-years-old, he was like a mini Apollo, with platinum blonde short spikey hair and dark violet eyes, lighter skin and a bit chubby wearing a loose blue shirt and shorts with trainers. Perfida opened her arms to him too then as he got to her, he hugged and shoved her to thr ground but she didn't mind although she kind of liked it, the two lied on the ground laughing.

"Hi! Bryce," Ophelia greeted and helped her daugther get up.

"Hey Bryce! great green gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts, mutilated monkey meat," Perfida recited her favorite nursery rhyme.

"Hairy pickled piggy feet," Bryce followed and they both finished with. "French fried eyeballs floating in some kerosene and me without a spoon"

"Nice to see you too, Bryce," Perfida giggled, Perdita was also glad to see their little brother.

"Thanks, son," Hector said to Holden

"Morning, Principal Rudero," since he too goes to AII then he and Holden fist bumped.

"Bryce, I told you that if we're not in school you don't have to call me Principal Rudero," Hector reminded.

"Oh! right," Bryce remembered.

"Archie, how are you?" Hector shook his hand.

"I'm good," Archie shook back.

"Thank you again for agreeing to keep an eye on Perfida while we're gone," Ophelia said.

"Of course, that's what Papolis are for even Meredith is going out of town with her girlfriends. By the way, you guys had breakfast? I have smoked bacon and eggs."

"I ate nine of them," Bryce expressed how good it tasted.

"That's okay, we ate before we left," Ophelia said.

"I understand," Archie replied.

"We better get going," Hector said.

"Right, right."

"Peachy, remember to call us if something happened," Ophelia reminded.

"Yes, mom," Perfida said. "Have fun in camp."

"Of course," Holden said back, Ophelia, Hector and Holden went back inside the car leaving Perfida with Archie and Bryce. They waved at her from the open window.

"Have a safe trip," Archie said to them, Perfida and Bryce waved them farewell as they drove away. "Hi! Perdita, how are you?" Archie greeted Perdita, he couldn't see her but can hear her and Bryce could see her like Perfida, as he smiled at her.

"I'm okay, Papoli," Perdita said to Archie.

"Come on, let's play," Bryce pulled her arm but she resisted.

"Maybe tomorrow, I want to catch up on my sleep and I have to meet with my friends later," she said to Bryce. "Is that okay, Papoli?"

"Sure, no problem," Archie allowed her to go out and they took Perfida's bags then went inside the house, it was like a cave with smooth surface walls, the furniture were integrated with the construction, in the living room, there was a curve couch with white leather cushions and an oval coffee table in front of it facing a huge wide thick glass door window with the view of the lake.

"Purdy, let's play hide-and-seek," Bryce said to Perfida.

"Sure," Perdita loved her little brother unlike her step-brother.

"I better go to my room and sleep," Perfida yawned.

"Alright, Peach," Archie nodded. "'l'll ask the Berta to put your bags in your room later, now just go ahead and rest."

"Thanks, Papoli," Perfida went to her room in Archie's home.

"Let's go outside, Purdy," Bryce and Perdita ran outside and play.

Stellar Spectrum Book One: The Faceless Ghost Where stories live. Discover now