Loving Words♡

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Aether hums quietly, he was standing on the balcony of the Wangshu inn looking out at the horizon.. It was beautiful. The sun sat sleepily sinking into the dull grey abyss of what was to be night.The colors of the sun painted the sky all sorts of pinks, oranges, and yellows before fading into a soft grey-ish blue.

"It's beautiful isn't it?"

Aether jumps, whipping his head to the side to see Xiao who had just materialized next to him.

"A little warning next time?"

"My apologies traveler"

"I told you to call me Aether, we are quite literally dating. Traveler isn't my name." The blond smiled cheekily, leaning his elbow against the balcony to support his head.

Xiao rolls his eyes trying to play off the statement as blush creeped up his cheeks. He huffed quietly, glancing away from the boy next to him "mortals.." he mutters.

Aether just giggled quietly, admiring Xiao with cheerful eyes. "You know you like me" He teased, leaning his head against the adepti's shoulder.

The latter tensed glancing at him, he wasn't one for physical contact, Aether was the one who always started it.. He didn't mind that much. He soon relaxed his shoulders allowing Aether to keep his head there.

Xiao sat there for a moment, it was a comfortable silence but he felt he had to fill it still. He thought of all the times Aether had said something intimate or initiated something romantic. He purses his lips, maybe he should give it a try..

I mean it wasn't that hard right? Wrong, Xiao felt himself explode with butterflies at the thought of doing anything of the sorts. He takes a deep breath preparing himself.. Maybe a simple I love you, Aether always said it.. He felt bad for never returning the words.

"Traveler," The adeptus mutters, looking anywhere but the blond. Although his face was dull, his eyes were nervous.

"Hm?" Aether glances up from the sunset he was previously admiring.

Xiao mutters something quietly. The traveler, unable to hear, frowns "what did you say?"

"I-" He pauses hesitating, was he really about to say this back? The stubborn part of him that refused to show affection tried to convince him not to but.. He was determined "I love you" Xiao murmurs.

Aether blinks looking up at him with shock, a small smile tugs at the blond's lips as he replays the words in his head. His cheeks heated up slightly "I love you too, Xiao"

"Good..stop giving me that dumb look" Xiao hissed looking away, obviously flustered.

Aether laughed quietly, intertwining their fingers together.

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