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Sat in front of a large mirror, made entirely of purple coral stone, Aquaria stared at her reflection. She placed the gorgeous seashell tiara on her head, as her full lips, covered in deep red lipstick, turned up into a satisfied smile.

Her beautiful tail was mostly green that looked rainbow where the sun hit it. It looked almost as if it was made of anodized titanium. Her crimson red hair, that was almost black at the root, fell far past her shoulders. A string of glimmering pearls rested along her hips just above her tail.

She needed to look perfect. After all, this was her last celebration as a child. With no real responsibility. She wanted to take in every moment and really enjoy it. Once the night was over, so was her life. Of course she wanted to be Queen. It has been her only real goal her entire life. The courting will start, and she will be married to the best eligible bachelor this time next year, preparing to take over the throne.

Although she was excited, she couldn't help the nerves. The disappointment, that she would no longer have anytime for herself. Tomorrow morning, she would start putting herself last. It was what was best for the kingdom. Protect the Trident, protect the people. That's how it has been for the royal family for generations, nothings going to change now.

What had her feeling anxious, more than anything, was becoming the next possessor of the Trident. She would be one of the two most powerful merfolk in all of the seas.

"With great power comes great responsibility."

It was a quote that the royal family of Coralia has been saying for thousands of years. Since the split of Atlantica. Aquaria heard it atleast once a day in her training.

Adjusting her hair to cover her large breasts one last time, Aquaria let out a sigh. At this point she would be late to her own party. She turned and swam torward the door. As the door cracked open, something stopped Aquaria from pushing that door any further.

Mermen dressed in metal, carrying harpoon spears rushed passed her door. The only sound heard was the clambering of their armor. Aquaria's stomach turned with anxiety.

She gave the large stone door a push and followed the guards to the Trident room.

"Your Majesty, there has been a breech." The largest of the guards said.

The kings face paled as he stared at the merman. "A breech? Is it—"

"Nautina" the guarded nodded in confirmation. "They have attacked."

"The Trident!" Aquaria's voice filled the room. "They're here for the Trident!" She turned her head toward where the Trident stood tall. A bit of relief washed over her as she saw it untouched. She swam closer, touching one of the sharp tips lightly as her mother and father discussed a plan to rid the kingdom of intruders.

"As long as we keep it safe, in here, everything will be okay, my dear." King Cas assured his daughter calmly. He nodded towards the door and him and his guards left to help the others.

"We have to do something!" Aquaria rushed over to her mother. Queen Serina peeled her beautiful purple eyes from the door in which they glued themselves to the moment her husband passed through it.

Pushing her indigo colored hair behind her ear she thought for a moment. "Your father wants us here. Where we can protect the Trident and protect you. You are the future of our kingdom" she said, was she gulped, trying to assure herself as well as her daughter.

"Nautina has been preparing to take our Trident since before even your parents were born mother.. they won't go down easily. Someone needs to protect Dad!" Aquaria said slightly hysterical. Worry filled her entire body. She could not bear to think about something happening to her father.

"Aquaria, he has the gua—"

"As does Nautina." Aquaria said firmly. "If you're not gonna help him, I will." Said the younger mermaid as she swam over to the Trident.

"Aquaria don't you dare!" The Queen yelled as her daughter yanked the Trident out of its shell shaped stand.

Without hesitation, Aquaria darted for the door.


The mermaid hurried down the corridor, and into the great room. Her father was helping a downed soldier as King Kanos swam up behind him. His silver hair floated above his head, his golden eyes hard as he raise his trident. He swung with every ounce of strength he had. Right before he was about to stike King Cas, Aquaria rushed to his side, blocking the enemy's attack with her own trident.

As the two tridents collided a blinding light filled the entire kingdom and a strong shockwave of power blasted everyone back as if a bomb had exploded. Aquaria was sent unconsciously flying through the water.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2022 ⏰

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