Sephiroth took his words to heart and abided by them. He arrived just in time as y/n was walking out the door. Just the sight of her made his heart warm. He was supposed to be a villain, a monster, a killer but when he looks at her, holds her, she makes him feel as if he could be more than his trauma. She made him feel human.

"Hi!" Y/n greets cheerfully, falling into an embrace with him.

Sephiroth greets her with a smile. He cups her face into his hands and brings his lips to hers. Her lips were just as supple as the first time he had them. Kissing her was a feat that he cherished every time it happened. When he had her in his arms he would forget about all his troubles and the world only consisted of  the two of them.

"You're hair.." Sephiroth asks, his tone showing a hint of worry. He grabs a few strands examining the water pearl down her hair.

"Oh yes...uhmm, I just got out of the shower. I didn't have time to dry my hair." Y/n answers, she continues "I knew you were already here waiting" she beams.

"You might get sick. You can go back in and dry it - I can wait" He commands.

"But... I waited all day to see you... it's okay, I'll be fine!" Y/n reassures him.

"Play nice tonight kids!" Tifa teased.

"Tifa!" Y/n and Aerith exclaimed, y/n's face fading into a red hue.

Sephiroth chuckles and the pairs bid their goodbye. As they walked down the path Sephiroth intertwines his hand with hers. He doesn't know but just a small gesture like this sends butterflies flying around y/n's heart.

"Where are we going?" Y/n questions.

"You'll see."

After walking through the colossal hallways the two arrive at the Atheneum. Today was different, at anytime of the day or night the Atheneum was always bustling with people. 2nd Class and 3rd Class were always present to study up on different types of materials. Y/N knew, she was one who was always there reading different books on Materia.

"Where is everyone? It's so empty here." Y/n questions her eyes veiled with worry.

Sephiroth answers with a smile and moves towards the entrance in silence. Once reaching the massive door he ponders for a moment, he takes a deep breath and walks in with y/n in hand.

Walking in the couple is greeted with a lovely scent of roses. As they make their way down the hall into the main library y/n's eyes brighten with what was presented to her.

The library was turned into a dream surrounded by flowers. Roses were lined along the tops of the shelves, on the library tables, some were even hanging from the walls and ceiling. Draped down from the beams above were fairy lights that shined as if they were stars themselves.  In the middle of the library was a set up for seating. A layered blanket that was covered by blush colored pillows.

Y/n turns to Sephiroth her eyes beaming with happiness. She was confused, she knew today was Valentine's Day but never in her dreams did she think that Sephiroth would plan such an extravagant surprise. It was all her favorite things combined in one. Roses, the library, and of course Sephiroth.

Sephiroth takes a step closer to her, places his hand under her chin and guides her face to his. He then cups her cheeks and wipes a tear from her eyes.

"I'm... what... why?" Y/n stammers through what she was trying to say.

"He was right." Sephiroth whispers.

"What? Who?" Y/n stammers again, her happy tears falling from her *eye color* eyes and rolling into Sephiroths fingers.

"It doesn't matter. Your smile. It is worth it." Sephiroth claims.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2022 ⏰

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