Valentines Day

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Note from the author: I wanted to do a fun chapter that wasn't really related to the story. This day happens somewhere in the time line, not sure where, but it happened. Maybe sometime before the festival? But I want to start coming out with fun little chapters like this that showcase the characters in the tranquil beauty setting. You like? If you want to read more chapters like this please let me know! Enjoy! The next chapter will be coming out soon!!!

"You cannot mean to tell me that you have absolutely NOTHING planned for tonight?!"

Sephiroth thought to himself it was just another normal work day, another normal work week, what the hell was Genesis going on about. He brings his gaze to Genesis and meets his eyes with an unsatisfactory expression.

"Genesis. What the hell are you going on about? I do not have time for this." Sephiroth retorts back.

"Look. Sephiroth, I know you are new to this. But today is a day you simply cannot miss out. Okay? Today is Valentine's Day. It is the day you shower your one with love and affection." Genesis explains.

"I shower her with that and more everyday." Sephiroth returns, his brows now furrowing in irritation.

Genesis walks up to the desk and pulls out the chair. He places himself comfortably into it and inches it closer to Sephiroth who was sitting on the other side.  Genesis places his elbows on the desk all the while grabbing the documents from Sephiroth's hands. The two look onto each other, both brows furrowed, both troubled with what the other one is saying.

"Today is a celebration of love. If you do not plan anything for her she will be sad and upset. I promise you that." Genesis explains his tone resolute.

"She is not someone who is shallow enough to be upset just because I did not plan something on a holiday that is both senseless and unnecessary. I'm busy, she's busy, and you General Rhapsodos should be busy as well. We do not have time to be dawdling on these mindless holidays." Sephiroth responds, grabbing the documents back from Genesis.

"Alright. Granted she won't be upset, granted you both are busy. But... can you imagine the smile on her face if you did do something? How you'll brighten her day? Maybe even her night?" Genesis teases.

"Enough!" Sephiroth exclaims, Genesis is one of just a handful of people who can get under Sephiroths skin.

Sephiroth stands abruptly, sets both his hands on his desk and peers down at Genesis who was sitting comfortably on the opposite side of his desk.

"I am leaving for the day. You finish the rest of the reports." Sephiroth says with an absolute tone and with that he is out the door leaving Genesis behind.

Sephiroth and Y/N's relationship was always the talk of the town. He was still stressing on the importance of finding Hollander and finding peace for the both of them, he had no time to worry about other things. But he did ponder, if Genesis was right, and he could put a smile on her face and make her happy then would be worth it.

Sephiroth grabs his phone and dials Y/N's number. It rings once, twice, then an answer. Her cheerful voice on the other line brings a smile to his face.

Sephiroth: Hello.
Y/n: Hi Sephiroth! Are you okay? Is something wrong?
Sephiroth: Why would you assume that something is wrong?
Y/n: Well... you called me. Its still work hours and you told me that you might be busy for the next few days that's why I haven't bothered you...
Sephiroth: ... ... ...
Y/n: Hello? Are you still there?
Sephiroth: I am here. Tonight I will come pick you up after your training with Tifa and Aerith.
Y/n: Alright... then, see you tonight.

The day passes faster for the two. Sephiroth made his plans on what he wanted to do for y/n and y/n on the other hand was just excited to finally be able to spend time with Sephiroth.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2022 ⏰

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