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(a/n hello! I'm so happy to finally be writing this. my first time writing tobecky!! hope u enjoy!!)



Sitting beside me, blonde hair, blue eyes shining behind those circular glasses, desirable light pink lips that looked like an unripe strawberry shining in the summer light. Tobey McCallister is everything anyone would ever require, with his genius-like intelligence and his elite looks, but there was a complication.

Though he was smart and admirable, he was a hostile person, he would go out of his way to make my life just a microscopic bit harder, whether that's by throwing crumpled paper balls at me or insulting me in some way. But I never could bring myself to hate him, in fact, I believe a little part of me is infatuated with his essence, but alas, I find it hard to believe he returns those feelings. But I can always dream.

my train of thought got cut off at the feeling of a paper ball colliding with my head. a soft chuckle could be heard beside me.

"Hey!-" I protested but got cut off by his sunny gaze.

"Sorry! Meant to get it in the bin!" he very obviously lied, the bin was on his side of the room. His soft smile made me disregard his actions.

God, I am so engrossed in him.

"Tsk, it's fine." I shook my thoughts of him out of my head.

after class, it was lunch period. I walked out of the school and to the bakery, purchasing a small cup of iced tea and a cinnamon roll. after that, I walked over to the park. I walked for a bit to the pond and sat down near the water.

I never did quite have friends, though I did have someone close to that a while back. her name was violet I think, she was very kind to me and we would talk during our free periods. After a year or so of companionship, she joined the art club. at first, it started off as just sometimes not being available because of the art club's new project. then it progressed to her chatting with the other members during lunch. Then it progressed to her barely talking to me. Then to not talking to me at all. 

sometimes I still see her in the halls, though she never looks me in the eye, guilty I suppose. i do miss her slightly. 

I miss feeling not alone.

After i finished my lunch, I scrolled my social media, no notifications except a few friend requests from bots. 10 minutes before lessons started again, I started walking back to the school. i noticed someone in the distance, I could've sworn it looked like Tobey. I'm probably just imagining it. I walked a bit faster, noticing I only had 7 minutes left to get back.

right as I got through the school doors the bell went off, signalling to go to the next class.

history... god that class is boring


as I walked into room 201, I saw him in the back, he looked a little... exhausted? like he just ran a few blocks at top speed. huh. I got into my seat behind him. 

why am I always seated near him?

after settling down, I began writing my notes for history. after a few minutes, the teacher said he had to go out of the class for around 10 minutes for some meeting or whatever, i wasn't really paying attention. 

I felt a small weight land on my head, I pulled it off my head and noticed it was a note. i opened it and read the contents. 

"Were you in the park at lunch? "

I looked up to see Tobey slightly glancing at me, I guess this was from him.

I flipped over the small paper and wrote my answer.

"Yeah, why?"

I re-crumpled it up and threw it back to him.

I watched him open it and scribble down a response.

he threw it back to me once again.

"oh so that was you"

this written conversation went on for a while, even surpassing 10 minutes without the teacher arriving back into the classroom.

"you were the blonde guy?"

"you were the slow walking girl?"


"oh, were you with friends at the park?"


"you were alone?"



I saw him write another note after throwing the last one at me, but the bell rang before he had finished. i put my notes in my bag and walked to my next class, one with tobey, again. 

Alluring. - TOBECKY LOLWhere stories live. Discover now