Chapter 14

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Gina unlocked her locker, she could feel the glares from Becky and Ida behind her.

She ignored them and brought out her books for biology and math before her locker was slammed shut by Chuck.

" Hey," his sly smirk lingered around his lips as usual. Gina sighed, " You scared me." She looked around paranoid about people staring.

" What's up with you?" He leaned against the locker beside Gina's.

" I'm just-"

" Upset about Becky and Ida's glares? Yeah me too." He chuckled and took her books for her.

" Chuck-"
He pressed a quick kiss against her lips, cutting her off.

" What was that for?" She blushed as Chuck pulled away, she ran her hands through her hair and leaned against her locker.

" Well if they're gonna stare might as well give them something to stare at." He smirked as they both looked over at a angry Becky and Ida.

" I don't know, maybe we shouldn't-" the bell rung cutting her off, Chuck locked Gina's locker still holding her books.

" Come on Mrs. Ellis will kill us if we're late again for bio," she nodded and walked beside him, an entire group of girls whispered to each other as they passed them, another group of boys did the same.

" Why is everyone staring?" She whispered, he looked down at her,
" Because you're too cute." He joked as they walked into bio.

" Alright, for the last 25 minutes of class, I will quickly assign patterns for the group project then, you will discuss your projects until class is over." Mrs. Ellis grabbed a sheet of paper and stood at the top of the class naming groups, " Gina you will be with Ida and Becky." Gina instantly looked away from Ida who instantly looked at her.

Becky stood and whispered something in her ear, Mrs. Ellis cleared her throat, " Gina, sorry you will actually be with," she looked down at her sheet choosing a group.

" William and Chuck." Becky's mouth hit the floor while Ida covered her face with her palms.

Gina nodded and glanced over at Chuck who was already smiling at her.

The class stood getting into their groups, Chuck and William walked over to Gina's seat grabbing chairs. Chuck pulled a chair up close to her and sat backwards in it, resting his forearms on the back of it.

" Hi, I'm Willy," he put out his hand for Gina to shake, he received a glare from Chuck which made him immediately put his hand down. He cleared his throat and got out a pencil he kept behind his ear just beneath his blonde hair.

" I'm Gina." She smiled making Chuck throw his head back,
" I'm Chuck." He joked while leaning towards Gina's paper.

" Are you trying to cheat off my paper?"

" Hey you can't cheat if it's a group project." Willy laughed while writing something down on his paper.

" You guys actually want to do this?" He rolled his eyes and got out his binder.

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