Chapter 4 1/2

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Gina and her class mates were in their last period class when Mrs. Black stood at the front  of the room.
" Hello everyone, my name is Mrs. Black. As you all know I will be your english teacher as well as your homeroom teacher."  She announced, " If you'd like you could call me Mrs. B but that is completely up to you." Mrs. B went on and on about her expectations of the school year for about 5 minutes.

Gina's eyes wondered around the room searching for something interesting.

Her heart dropped when she suddenly remembered detention with Chuck in the library. Her heart sunk even more when she realized her piano audition was the same time.

" Alright class, it is the first day so I'm not going to push you to hard, if you'd like you may have a free period." The class all cheered and gradually started to moved around to talk to one in other. Gina was about to stand when Mrs. B called.

" Gina and Chuck, could you two please come here for a moment."

Gina looked at Chuck and then at her shoes and quickly moved towards her teachers desk, Chuck closely behind her.

"So," she cleared her throat, " I've heard you two have detention. What's that about?" Gina glanced up at Chuck signalling for him to speak first. She needed to think about a way to make bullying a teacher behind his back, seem less awful than it already was.

" I wasn't paying attention and I was late for class." He admitted.

" Well you know tardiness is not tolerated here."  Chuck nodded, " Yes Mrs. B, I go lost."
" Ill tell you what," she offered, 
" since you got lost, I'll let you off the hook for today."

Gina sighed in relief from Mrs. B's understanding offer.
She looked over at Gina,
" Now what is your reason?"
" I.." she tried to think of way to make this sound better, not a chance. " I made fun of Mr Cockran's name to a couple of my friend, he over heard it and gave me detention." She admitted truthfully.

" Well-"
" Come on!" Chuck butt in, " the man's name is Cockran, an average student is going to crack a joke." He defended her.

" Do not interrupt me Mr Hankins. Go back to your seat." She pointed at the chair next to Becky. He hesitated then walked away.

" Gina, did you know I taught your father?" She asked.
" No." Her face suddenly growing in despair.
" Yes, he had a similar situation with Mr. Cockran's father." Her eye brows raising hoping it would ring a bell. Gina gave no response.
" He never told you?" She questioned.

Gina looked down at her shoes.
" He died," she answered, " 7 years ago."

" Oh.." Mrs. Black expression grew with empathy. " I'm sorry I-"

" It's alright. May I take my seat now?"

" Yes," Gina turned to walked away when she was stopped, " Gina? If you'd like you could take your detention now in the library instead of after school." Gina's face lit up as she turned around to except her offer.


" Stack these." Mr. Hill, the librarian gave her 30 books.
" Where?"
"Over on that shelf. You'll be the only one here if that's okay? I have a meeting." He asked.

" Yea that's fine." She told him as he left her alone.

She stacked book after book, book after book. She sat down when she started to get tired.

" Taking a break are we?"

Gina instantly looked up as she seen Chuck standing in-front her smirking.  She looked at his brown eyes, she never realized how beautiful they are  in broad daylight.

" Shouldn't you be enjoying your free period?" She sat back not paying attention to his comment.

" What? No." He said sarcastically, " what would I be doing there?" He took a seat next to her on the bench.

" I don't know, flirt with girls." She asked sounding sarcastic but meant it.

"Pft," he scoffed, " I have no interest in girls."
She turned her head in confusion.
" Well, I mean I do but not the ones at the this school." He answered quickly.

"Oh." Gina tried not sound disappointed but he seen right through it.

He looked at the ground, and then at her and then at the ground again. " Actually, there is a girl I do like from this school."
Gina's head flew up, then she got embarrassed by how obviously happy she was.

Chuck stared at her baby blue eyes, admiring the look the sun gave them. There was an awkward silence for a moment, when Gina looked at him, their eyes locking. For a moment it seemed like she wanted to kiss him.
She quickly caught her self and stood up.

Chuck's energy didn't change as he smirked at her.
" You have to get back to class."
" Why?" He stood up in front of her.
" Are you seriousl? I have detention why are you here anyway you got off free-"

" Because I'd rather be with you then in a class full of squares." He shut her up.
Sorry this is so short but I have to get up early trm and I don't wanna be tired. 🙏
Anyways I'm gonna write the second half of this as soon as a wake up😩 sorry for the spelling errors but I don't have time to proof read lol

 The Lost Boy From 1965Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora