Chapter 7

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" Are they done yet?" Becky moans while laying on the coach.

"No." Gina replies, standing next to cooling mints in the molds. " Besides, we won't be eating them until Monday anyways." She stated.

" Well," Becky says sitting up.

"No. Becky no." Gina told her.
" Come on!" She pleaded.

" What would you need them for?" She asked going over to the coach.

" Well.." her voice trailing off playing with her fingers. " I was gonna eat one and talk about history with Chuck." Gina's mouth dropped.

" No!" Ida stepped in. Gina looked over and sighed in relief. " We're not wasting the mints so you could go flirt with some random square in a leather jacket." Ida argued, standing up and walking over to the mints.

" Okay, relax don't call the fuzz." She laughed standing.

" Where are you going?" Ida asked as Becky walked stairs.

"I'm going to go home and.. freshen up." Becky answered faking a smile.

" For what?" Gina asked already knowing he answer.

" No reason." She lied. Gina and Ida shared glances before watching Becky leave. Gina looked down at her feet while there was a long silence between the two girls.

" Hey," Ida broke it, Gina looked over in her direction. " are you okay?" she worried.

She faked a smile then sat down on a stool.
"Yeah." she lied. Ida tilted her head with a 'how dumb do you think I am?' look.

" Don't worry," she sat down on the other stool, " Becky and Chuck are barley friends." she assured.

" What? No- I'm fine. I don't like him like-"

" It's okay. I won't tell her." Ida tilted her head with a smile. Gina returned it with a hug, " I hate hugs." Ida laughed.

" Yeah I know." Gina joked.


An hour had past since Becky and Ida left, it was Idas turn with the cookbook but they had left the book and mints at her place since they would be coming back. They finally cooled so Gina took them out and put them in a small blue tin container which she hid in her bag.

" Gina!" Her mom called.
" Yeah?" She yelled.

" Do you see those sheets of paper on the table?" she yelled.

" Yes!" Gina walked over to the papers labeled adoption. Becky squinted with confusion.

" Can you take them over to Will's brothers house? Brodie left them here last night."

"Why does Brodie need adoption papers?" She asked.

"I'm not really sure honey, just do it please?" She asked her.
" Mom I have to study!"
" Just do it after!" Her mother was upstairs doing laundry so it was hard to hear her.
" I can't!" Gina yelled, " I'm going to the carnival with my friends!"
" Please Gina!" She begged.

Gina sighed. " Okay!" She grabbed the paper and walked out the door taking her bag with her. She made sure the cookbook was in the bag and headed downstairs. She thought she could study at Brodie's house, it'd quieter anyways.

 The Lost Boy From 1965حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن