usagi x male reader (sailor moon)

14 1 0

Plays in season one.

Your almost 15 in the oneshot

Usagi will be a bit of a brat in this story

"Usagiiii? Usagi. USAGI!" Naru shouted at usage who was currently fawning over a boy, named (y

). "H-huh?!" She squealed in surprise. "Usagi, stop fawning over that boy, and just ask him out!" Naru scolded her friend. "But what if he says no?" Usagi asked. Naru shook her head. "theres no way he wouldn't like you!" She said. "Usagi?" She asked but usagi was staring again at (y


"Usagi" asked lkuko her daughter who looked deep in thought that day at the dinner table. "What's wrong". Finally, Usagi spoke up, " there's this boy that I like and I want to ask him out, but what if he says no?" She ranted."why not just annoy him till he accepts if he says no?" Shingo asked.

That night usagi was in deep thought. Could she actually just annoy him if he says no? Well, thats now the option to do if he says no in her mind if he says no!

The next day ran straight after class to the class (y

) was. She ran past umino who tried to start a conversation. She ignored him. Her only goal was right now to make (y

) her boyfriend. Once she arrived she panted hard. The whole running stole her breath. She then saw (y

)walking out of your classroom. Her heart made a jump. She walked up to him. " (y-y

)-kun!" She yelled. Usagi was excited. She couldn't wait for her first boyfriend! (Y

) stopped in his tracks and turned to her. He rose an eyebrow. "uhmm...(y

) I've been meaning to tell you something for a long time now..." She started. " uhm...what's your name?" (Y

) asked a bit dumbfounded. "Its usagi!" Usagi beamed. "Anyway...what I tried to say is..." She took a breath. "Will you go on a date with m-me and be My boyfriend!?" She yelled. This is it! After he's my boyfriend, we than in the future get married and have kids and- "no. Sorry." (y

) spoke. Usage was shocked. Did she just got rejected. Oh no. Luckily she knew what to do...annoy him till he says yes "please" she asked "no" was the answer she got. "Pretty please????" "I said no."

And this kept going on for the rest of the week. Usagi annoying (y

). It was driving him nuts. "Please" "no" "please" "no!" "Pleeeeaaasssee???" "Didn't you hear me say no!?"

In the background off screen...were two mothers talking...about how to make the ship Usagi x (y




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