The start of the journey

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*This is my first story so I hope you like it. :)*


After arguing with your elders for hours you find yourself wandering alone in the forest. You have no idea where you are but you are determined to find Keyleth. You look up and realise that you found a clearing in the trees. You decide that it looks fairly safe and start setting up camp. You hadn't realised how late it had gotten already so you hurry up and settle down for some rest.


Everyone is a little worn out from the substantial battle with the horde of undead people. Traumatic as it was seeing innocent people mauled by skeletons, they just had to move on with their journey. They at least had a morale boost from Pike turning up in the middle of the fight but it wasn't enough to stop them being shaken up. They needed a break.

Even though normally it would be the most unsafe place, Vox Machina decided that the forest was better option than staying in the city for the night. Everyone pitched in helping set up camp. They had a system of; someone would go up to help and another would sit down to calm from the terrifying ordeal of today's events.

Finally everyone set down to sleep somewhat uneasily, several having nightmares or crying themselves to sleep.


You wake up rather earlier than you hoped but you have to deal with it now. You make sure your outfit and armour are ready and grab your staff.

*Reference image made by me*
(Not my best work but it's good enough)

*Reference image made by me*(Not my best work but it's good enough)

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You pack up and head out again to hopefully find somewhere that isn't just trees and grass. Even though you love nature, it's not the best at helping you find Keyleth.

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