Chapter One

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Moonkit scrambled up beside her brother, Shadekit. They were now five moons old, and they were trying to surprise the other kits. Their plan was to climb on top of the nursery and jump into it. It had seemed like a good plan, until they realized that there was virtually no hold on the spiky brambles. "What do we do now?" Moonkit asked. "We climb down. How we do that, I have no idea." Her brother replied. Moonkit's heart started to race and pound in her chest. "Shadekit... I'm scared. How do we get down?" Moonkit asked again. Her tiny kit-claws were slipping on the thorny branches, but her brother stayed firm. "It's okay. I promise. Trust me?" He called. She nodded, and immediately wished she hadn't. Her claws slipped, and she started to fall. "Shadekit! Help me!" She wailed. "Hold on! I'll save you!" He called back. He jumped to her side, nearly dislodging Moonkit from the small paw-hold she had found. Moonkit squeaked in protest as Shadekit tried to pick her up by her scruff. "Hold on!" He said, his voice muffled by Moonkit's dark grey-black fur. However, the weight of both kits in one spot broke the bramble Shadekit was standing on. He quickly wrapped his paws around Moonkit, trying to shield her from the fall that was now inevitable. They plunged into the now-empty nursery, landing on a pile of moss. Or at least, Moonkit did. As they fell, Shadekit had pushed Moonkit away from him, towards the pile of moss. Pushing her to the known safety, he had also pushed himself away from it. He was a motionless bundle of fur, a little ways from Moonkit. She scrambled up, shaking the moss bits out of her fur. Pelting to her brother's side, she felt him with her paw. He didn't move at her touch. Tears of despair sprung to her eyes, and she started to wail for her mother. As Crystalflower came running inside, she tried to explain. "We-we were t-trying to s-surprise the other k-kits. We w-wanted them to stop b-being mean. We wanted t-to scared t-them. But we fell! And now Shadekit isn't moving and he-he-he's ... dead!" Moonkit sobbed. Her mother quickly checked her fallen kit and found he was breathing. Turning back to Moonkit, she knew that scolding them for their mouse-brained idea would make Moonkit blame herself. So, instead, she soothed Moonkit, telling her that Shadekit wasn't dead and showing her that he was breathing. Moonkit cried with relief. "It's all my fault-" She started, and was stopped by Crystalflower. "No. It's not your fault. It was both your faults." Moonkit dipped her head in shame. She raised it as Shadekit stirred. "Moonkit... Is Moonkit alright?" He murmured. "I'm fine! I'm okay!" She cried joyfully, pressing her nose in her brother's fur. Crystalflower carefully slipped out to get Stonewhisker, the medicine cat, and her leader, Laurelstar. Moonkit licked the moss out of her brother's fur. "I thought you were dead!" She said as she spat the last of the moss out. "Well, I'm not, as you can see." Her brother replied. Moonkit laughed. She loved her brother immensely. They were closer than most littermates. There was an abundant amount of kits this newleaf. There was Morningflame and her kits; Sharpkit and Lichenkit, and Twinklepelt- who had her name because her pelt looked distinctly like Silverpelt- with her kits; Mintkit, Greykit, and Greenkit. Morningflame's kits were almost apprentices. Twinklepelt's were three moons younger than Moonkit and Shadekit. Moonkit flexed her claws in the moss, suddenly fearing her escapade with her brother had cost them their apprenticeship. Her fear was even more inflamed when her leader, mother, and medicine cat pushed their way through the bramble screen of the nursery. Silence stretched across the scene, the two shamefaced kits looking to the ground as if it suddenly fascinated them. Neither one dared break the quiet around them, fearing their punishment- one was destined for them, they believed- would be even worse if they did so. It was Stonewhisker who broke the silence, and he broke it with all of his vocal power. "What in Starclan's name did you think you were doing? You utter mouse-brains- no! Worm-brains!" He corrected, shouting at the kits. He lowered his voice, and after a moment, decided to raise it again. "You. Could. Have. Gotten. Each. Other. KILLED!" As he completed each word, Stonewhisker advanced a pawstep, and his voice rose even more. Moonkit realized her jaw was starting to drop with amazement. How can one cat have so much voice? She thought, closing her jaw and starting to step back to the wall. Her ears flattened, and Shadekit saw the movement. He stepped over, putting himself in between Stonewhisker and Moonkit. He then flattened his own ears. Moonkit heard a small hissss, and wondered where it had come from. As soon as the small sound died away, Stonewhisker stopped. Moonkit thought he was going to shout again. But instead, he laughed. "That's quite a hiss you have there, Shadekit." He purred. Moonkit tilted her head in confusion. Only a few moments ago, Stonewhisker was being mean and scary. Now he was purring as if one of the cats in the den had said a funny joke. Moonkit felt a small bud of hope try to blossom inside. She was just about to relax her tensed muscles, when Laurelstar decided to squash that tiny hope-flower. "Now, can you explain to me why you kits were trying to jump into the nursery?" Her tone had a layer of warning in it. Of danger. Of outrageous, kit-hope squashing danger.

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