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Stonewhisker was dreaming. He was in Starclan's hunting grounds. His long-dead beloved mentor was by his side. As they stopped, Moletip, who was the grey cat beside him, dipped his paw into a crystal-clear pool. He said only one word. "Look." Stonewhisker obliged. He was looking down on an old meeting. The long-ago leader Bluestar was on a rock, with a few other cats down below.

"You all know what must be done," She called. "A sign must be brought to attention." 

What sign? Stonewhisker wondered. A she-cat raised her paw. "Bluestar? May I speak?" Bluestar nodded."My name is Leafpool." She looked up, as if she could see Stonewhisker. Her voice became much deeper. "We will pick the chosen one carefully, she will be beautiful! Let the moon be your sign."


Crystalflower screeched. Her last kit was late. It was only two moons after Stonewhisker heard Leafpool and her moon sign. Crystalflower had a grey-black tom-kit already at her belly, and she had one more to go. She moaned. "Little more. Just a little more..." Stonewhisker soothed, trying to push the little one into the right position. With a soft thud, a squirming bundle slipped onto the soft moss. Stonewhisker nipped open the kitting-sac, and licked the little she-kit to bring blood flowing into her body. He looked down at her, and did a double-take. "Crystalflower look!" He said, staring at the kit. Crystalflower glanced tiredly at the kit. "She's beautiful. Look, that patch of fur on her forehead is just like the crescent moon right outside! I think I'll name her Moonkit." Right then her mate, Citruspelt, burst into the nursery. "Crystalflower-" His voice broke as he saw the kits beside her. Stonewhisker left the happy family and went outside. He couldn't help but wonder about the new kit in the nursery.

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