Chapter 6 - KSI

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A few hours later, the gang returned from their ventures with information and supplies.

"Hello everyone! Oh! I found a box of clothes in a closet. They weren't at all damaged, just dusty. Should be wearable for Tess and me." I mentioned, Optimus letting me down from his shoulder.

"Great! Sweetie, you can get some long pants, nice, loose-fitting ones, and lose the short shorts, okay?" Cade said, turning to his daughter. She rolled her eyes, leaning into Shane a little more and past her father with the bag of smuggled items. "What'd you guys get?" They lifted the bags and spilled all the contents out without care or presentation. I shook my head with a smile, sitting next to Cade.

Tessa placed a bottle of protein powder on the table, awaiting her approval. "It's protein."

"Look, I said the essentials, okay?" Cade said, annoyed, waving the bottle around.

"It wasn't easy. We almost got caught."

I smacked Cade's arm. "She's right. Smuggling things isn't easy nowadays. Especially with the enhanced technology and security stored have at their disposal, even if it is a low-budget shop like a drug store or a convenience store." He sighed and nodded.

"You stole mouthwash?" Cade asked, continuing to be annoyed at everything.

"I like to be fresh when I'm making out with your daughter," Shane responded with a slick attitude. Tessa blushed and smiled. I shook my head and backed away.

"That's funny," Tessa remarked.

Cade got frustrated and chucked the bottle of mouthwash across the room. Bee laughed. "Yeah, that's not happening ever."

"Ever?" Tessa questioned with a small laugh.

I sighed sprinting over to the leaking bottle of mouthwash. "Don't make a mess! Optimus and I just spent hours cleaning the place up." I scolded. Drift laughed.

"Optimus? A prime? Cleaning? That's unheard of." He waved me away with a hand. Optimus had left a moment before to drive around a bit.

"How so?"

"Primes don't ever really do much commoner activities like clean, party, joke around, and whatnot. It's not...their thing. So it's kinda surprising that Optimus was participating in cleaning." Bee nodded in agreement.

"Hmm, interesting. Well, I learn new things every day!" I smiled.

"Alright, sorry to break up the little dialogue here, but if we are going to get inside KSI, we're gonna need an alias." Cade interrupted. "I can use the drone I have to get a picture of a badge, then edit it with my own face. That'll give us clearance to get through the doors. Or at least, a human."

Just then, Optimus returned. "That sounds like a good plan, Cade. Let's rollout." He said, then transformed.

"I'm coming with, this time!" I called, running toward Optimus at full speed. I climbed in the passenger side and buckled myself in tight. Then Cade opened the driver's door.

"Fine, you can come with me. You'll be my assistant in this." He sighed, then climbed in himself. We set off, driving around the city until we parked in front of the office building, watching dozens of professional businessmen and women walking in and out. Cade quickly set up the remote control and the equipment, handing me the drone. Once he gave me the all-clear, I threw the drone out the window, watching it catch itself and glide through a few groups of people, startling them in the process. Cade was getting a bit frantic but found a suitable man to pick on. We swarmed the man, forcing him to the ground as he swatted at the air. Catching a good picture of the man's ID, we returned the drone to us and pulled out of there as fast as possible.

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