Chapter 5 - Meet The Autobots

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    We drove on through the Utah desert, the sun beating down on the dead, dry, bland terrain. The road gave off waves of heat as the pavement soaked in the rays from the sun. All of us inside Optimus began sweating, trying to cool down with the air conditioner or with the windows rolled down. However, nothing would work and would only circulate the hot air from outside.

    No one had said a word for about an hour until Optimus' radio chimed in. "Calling all Autobots. Calling all Autobots." My ears perked up, jumping from my slouched position to sit up forward.

    "Optimus, are the other Autobots near? Are we going to meet them?" I inquired.

    "Yes, there are a few that I can sense are near. However, I do not know how many or who. We shall meet them within the hour." The radio reported. I smiled and whispered a celebratory 'yes' to myself, getting psyched to meet other Autobots.

    A lonely white semi-truck hauling a load came into our view on the desolate road. It wasn't until we passed it that I found out what good a passing truck would do. Optimus' truck form began shifting violently, the whole vehicle jerking up and down as metal began moving. I looked around the interior of the cabin, noticing the trim work becoming almost new, the leather refined, the radio updated, and the whole dashboard was redone. The cabin was spacious, seeming to have stretched in a moment's time. Outside, I could see the old dusty and rusted paint flick off to reveal a shinning new navy blue polished paint, red flame decals appearing on the sides. Somehow, in about two minutes, or maybe even less, Optimus had transformed into a new beautiful truck as he sped down the deserted road.

    "That was insane! It was awesome, but it was insane, right?!" Shane yelled, moving his arm up and down in exaggeration of his awed explanation. I laughed.

    "It definitely was, Shane!"

    As the minutes went by, we found the canyons with their large rock formations and trenches in the ground. I gazed out the window, watching how the clouds painted a shadow across certain sections of the land, while others were still revealed to the light. But in the distance, I could see another large figure running on a formation, then sliding down while firing his machine gun. He was a brut of a robot, having layers of metal gear and ammunition strapped around him. I giggled at the sight of him.

    On the other side of the road in another formation, a smaller blue robotic figure stood between the rocks. His sword was clutched in his hand, but his face was simple and calm. With a sudden movement, he flipped backward and transformed into a blue helicopter, heading in our direction.

    Within another few minutes, we made a sharp turn onto a dirt road, passing a green robot running toward us. He was quite epic looking. He had a coat-like design around his body, making him seem menacing. Precision goggles topped his head as multiple guns strapped around his waist. I couldn't wait to strike up a conversation between these guys.

    We skidded to a stop just by a large rock formation. The green and blue Autobots stopped by us, gazing down at the truck with grins spreading across their face.

    "Yeah! Mr. Leader of the Free Galaxy is back. I knew you'd make it. I never doubted." The green one stated, nodding.

    "We got your warning. We've been waiting." The blue, almost samurai-like, said.

    "Hell, yeah! Boom time. We got the gang back together." I turned to the other side and saw the large Autobot on a nearby rock formation jutting out of the ground. I smiled even wider, climbing out of the cabin with everyone else so that Optimus could transform and properly greet his comrades.

    A metal thumping sound came from behind, revealing a shorter yellow and black Autobot, the doors of his alternative mode shaping as wings on his back. He looked so innocent, just by his face.

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