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Strange walked through America's star-shaped portal into Stephen's living room.

"Thanks, Mer." He says warmly.

"No problem, Strange." She says, heading back out through another portal. Both closed in the blink of an eye.

Strange walked to Stephen's bedroom, finding his boyfriend still in bed wearing baggy sweats.

"Hey, baby." Strange says, curling up beside Stephen. He wraps an arm around Stephen's waist, feeling the small swell. "Hmm, have you put on some weight?"

"No." Stephen says dismissively, moving Strange's hand to his hip. "I'm just a little bloated today, it's nothing." Stephen lies, trying to get off the subject.

"Well, I'm here now. You know what I wanna do?" Strange says softly, pressing teasing kisses to Stephen's neck and the spot behind his ear. Stephen moaned softly.

God, he always misses this...

Strange rolls Stephen over, kissing his lips passionately and tugging on his sweatpants. He pulls on Stephen's sweatshirt, exposing his small bump.

Strange froze.
He could feel it.
That ball of magic.
He could feel her.

"What is that?" Strange growls, glaring into Stephen's scared blue eyes.

"Please don't hurt her--"

"Her?! You call that abomination growing inside you her?! Have you lost your fucking mind?!"

Strange stands and starts angrily pacing the room.

"Please don't do this. Don't do this to her. She doesn't deserve this, she's just a ba--"

"No." Strange cuts Stephen off, glaring daggers at him. "Get rid of it."

"What?!" Stephen yells.

"You heard me! FUCKING GET RID OF IT!!!" Strange bellows. "I know for a fact that there are numerous abortion spells. So go get one and fucking CAST IT! GET RID OF THAT MONSTER INSIDE OF YOU!!!"

"SHE'S NOT A MONSTER!!!" Stephen yells, going over and standing in front of the mirror so Strange can see.

In the reflection, the shimmering yellowish-purple outline of his little baby girl can be seen twisting and turning inside him. Stephen sobbed quietly, terrified for his daughter's safety.

Strange walked up behind him, hesitantly putting a hand on Stephen's abdomen.

"This will kill you." Strange mutters. "Dimensional magic and Dark Magic were never meant to mix. It may look healthy, but it will never be able to control itself. It will destroy your world, just as it destroyed mine."

Stephen sputters in confusion as Strange walks away.

"What do you mean?!" Stephen yells before groaning and grasping his middle. The child had turned harshly, sending a jolt through Stephen's body. "What did you do?!"

"I didn't do a thing." Strange says coldly, turning around and glaring at Stephen. "It's already rejecting you and your heroics. I told you, only you can get rid of it. I can't cast the spell, you'd have to. I can't do shit about it."

With that, Strange left.

Just left Stephen standing there with a hand on his belly, protecting their- no, his child.

He doesn't want Strange to be mad.

He didn't plan this.

But it happened nonetheless.

And now he's pregnant.

And the father of his unborn daughter is rejecting them both.

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