Chapter 51

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Loki force himself to let Ivy's lifeless body sink and disappear in water. He hated the feeling when her body cool down and eventually was colder than his own but even that was better than this emptiness and pain in his chest. It seem like every spark of happiness, love and everything good has sank with her under the water. He force himself to teleport back to others, he has made a promise and first time in his life he want to keep it. He told others shortly what have happened and didn't remember much about it. He told Thor that he will teleport back to her castle and wait them in there. They let him go.

Loki teleport front of her chambers door and reach to open it but freeze little before. She won't ever again walk through this. I will never again see, hear, smell, taste or touch her. His hand start to tremble and he grit his teeth. "Weakling, go inside." He order himself and open the door. Wave of familiar scent hit his nose and new pang hit his chest. He slowly walk inside and notice letter on coffee table. He walk to it and take it in hand. Top of it is only one word; Loki. Heart around it. He slowly fold the letter open and sit on couch. Golden pendant drop in his lap.

Loki, my love, my Trickster, My King

If you read this letter my bad feeling came true. I truly hope that you never have to read this but if you must I want to make one thing clear at first. Whatever happened, my death wasn't your fault. No matter what, it wasn't your fault. I could never blame you and I don't want you to blame yourself either. Never blame yourself, you hear me? Never. 

You should know that you saved me Loki. You were first one to truly listen to me, get to know me, not to fear me and most importantly you made me fall in love with most incredible person I can imagine. You make me laugh, you comfort me when I need it, you stay by my side. I know we need more time, I pray for more time but I am cursed after all so I am not too hopeful. That is also reason for this letter.

Loki, you need to remember what we talked about last night. You need to carry on even if I am not there with you anymore. You still have your brother and mother. They love you and they will love you always, don't forget that. You are handsome, you have great sense of humor, you are kind, loving and caring person. You are intelligent, stubborn and strong God. 

And lastly: No matter what universe say to or about you, no matter even if everyone is against you. I will always believe in you. I believe and I know that you can be whatever or whoever you want to be, if you ever doubt yourself believe in my words when I say that I believe in you.

I BELIEVE IN YOU, FOREVER. And to prove that I leave to you my pendant. Take good care of it for me.


Ivy Stormborn, Fairy of Elements. Lucky to had been Your Queen for a moment

Loki read the letter couple times and stare at pendant. He couldn't help but scream in pain and anger after awhile. "I love you too and was even more lucky that you called me Your King, little Fairy." He whisper with croak voice and put the pendant on his neck.

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