Chapter 6

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Ivy run toward Avengers on field next to compound. "So, what do you guys want to see?" She ask them with mischievous grin. "Well, we already know that you can fly as well as Falcon so can you show us your magic powers?" Steve suggest. She snort. "That race was just playing, you have no idea how good I can be in air but okay." She answer and move further from them. She burst her wings out and flap strongly couple times so her feet raise from ground. She summon fire first. She made circle from fire and twist it around herself easily. Then she throw it up and make it explode. Others flinch from surprise. 

Ivy chuckle and summon water from earth next. She make droplets float around herself for a moment before making them look like hurricane around her. She command water to shape like spear and throw it against far away tree. After huge crack sound tree fall down. She smile satisfied and flap herself higher. She summon air next. Wind start to gather around her like tornado. She slowly spin inside it and spread her arms widely. She laugh aloud in delight, she hasn't been able to play with her magic in long time. "YOU ARE GOING TO DESTROY YOUR SURROUNDINGS!" She suddenly hear Clint to yell and glance at them. They have some difficulties to keep their footing.

Ivy grin mischievously and summon earth magic. She tied everyone on ground from their legs with vines. "IVY!" Tony yell angrily. She laugh to them and let the air go. Tornado disappear as quickly as it has appeared. She drop on ground and pull her wings back. "Come on, it wasn't that bad." She chuckle and command the vines back inside soil. "You can use magic and sword. What about hand-to-hand combat?" Natasha throw a challenge to her. She tilt her head with little smile. "Wanna test that too?" She ask sweetly from her. Natasha smirk as answer. Ivy grin and move to fighting position. "Whenever you are ready." She tease her while waving her hand to her.

"Come on, is that really necessary too after that video and demonstration?" Bruce try to calm them down. Natasha didn't listen and neither did Ivy. Natasha leap in attack. Ivy dodge it easily and defense against every attack. She quickly get hang of Natasha's fighting style and start to attack too. They both smirk to each others and speed up. Ivy is impressed how good and flexible Natasha actually is. "Okay ladies, that is enough." Steve try to stop them and step forward. He get pushed on ground with sudden gust. Ivy kick Natasha further at the same time. "Don't interrupt our fun." She snarl to him and leap back in battle. "You should already know better Steve." Bucky laugh and help him up.

Ivy and Natasha fight evenly for a moment until Ivy start to push more. She overpower Natasha and sweep her feet underneath her. She drop on ground and Ivy is top of her in next second. They both pant and stare at each others. "You weren't even fighting seriously." Natasha accuse. Ivy grin and wink her eye to her. She stand up and reach her hand to her. "I have fought for over 1000 years, what do you think?" She chuckle and help Natasha up. "You could teach trick or two to me and Wanda." She laugh and pat her back. "Maybe in future." Ivy answer and they walk toward rest of the team. 

"You could be interesting sparring partner Lady Stormborn." Thor praise Ivy with wide smile. "I think your style is to use more muscle than mine." She chuckle as answer. "It doesn't matter, your style remind me of Loki's actually." He answer and pat her shoulder too. She raise her eyebrow. "Really?" "Yes, he is more sneaky fighter than me." He answer. She snort. "I think you mean more like smart fighter. You could get away with many situations when you use your head." She scold him.

"Is there anything else you need from me right now?" Ivy suddenly ask while looking at Steve. He share a look with Tony who shrug. "No actually." He admit. She grin widely. "Then I take little tour around compound." She answer, jump couple times backwards and burst her wings back in sight. "Birdboy can come and get me if you need me." She chuckle and wink to Sam. "Falcon." He groan and facepalm. She giggle and jump in air. Soon she is so high they can't see anything else than small, dark spot in air.

Ivy flap her wings strongly couple times before she stop to float in air. She take deep breath and sigh happily. "I love this." She say to herself and look down. Compound is only small spot on ground underneath her. She start to fly toward New York. She hasn't visited the city in long time and wanted to see how much it has grown in last decades. She look impressed on what have happened. City has grown so big. She float top of it for sometime. "Still smell bad." She complain and turn toward ocean. She speed up and summon wind to help her. She twirl and spin in air, playing around. It didn't take long before she is far from land, only seeing ocean around her. 

Ivy lower herself to brush her fingers against water and giggle. She laugh aloud. She has always loved water. She fly through big waves and spatter water from her wings. Suddenly she press her wings against her body and land top of water. She run on surface, using her magic to keep her on top of seawater. She slide on it before jumping back in air. She flap strongly to get some height. She look at the sun and decide that it is time to go back before they really send Sam after her. She use wind to give her even more speed and she fly fast toward compound. It didn't take long to see the land again. She take more height and let the wind push her toward her destination.

Soon Ivy see the compound and eventually land on front yard. She stretch herself and pull wings back. "That was fun." She say to herself and walk inside. She hum quietly while walking to lounge room. Everyone turn to look at her. "You traveled 500 miles in two hours!" Tony boom amazed and show her route from screen. Ivy shrug and walk in kitchen. She take water bottle from fridge and open it. "Like I said, that race was just playing around." She answer calmly and take a sip. "I should test how fast you can fly." Tony say exited. "Scientists." She murmur while rolling her eyes. 

Ivy walk out from kitchen and drink her water while looking around. She frown. "Is Loki still inside his room?" She ask confused. "Yeah. I tried to get him out but he almost stab me for it." Thor complain and sigh. "Let me guess, you just slam his room's door open and rush inside booming something like he should get out from there already?" She tease him. Thor blush while Natasha, Wanda and Clint burst in laughter. "You really has figured him out already." Tony laugh. She shrug. "Maybe I should try. Us evil beings should stick together." Ivy chuckle and walk out of room while finishing her water. She throw the bottle over her shoulder and it land on kitchen island. "Can someone put that in trashcan please?" She yell over her shoulder before rushing away.

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