Therefore Natasha found herself standing dumbly in the hallway, her gaze lost in the soft brown wood that made up the door. She kept trying to think of ways she could apologize. Hello, guys! Long time no see, eh? Look I'm sorry about the whole Sokovian Accords disagreement thing, so why don't we all just sit down and make jokes and act like all that never happened?

She beat herself up inwardly and opted for the more honest apology. Something sincere and from her heart, and if they wouldn't forgive her... well, she understood. So, she braced herself and chose to take that moment to let them know she was there. Her hands hung limply beside her, however, and she couldn't even raise one up to knock.

She didn't need to.

She heard shuffling behind the door, and her trained ears picked up the soft echo of Wanda's voice. "... outside... I'm sure..."

Sam opened the door shortly afterwards, and Natasha couldn't help but smile a crooked little grin that barely felt joyful and more awkward. "Well, doesn't this seem a little bit familiar?" she commented, hoping her anxiety didn't show on her face.

Sam hesitantly let out a soft chuckle, and replied, "What are you doing here this time, Romanoff? Last time this happened, Cap was with you and the two of you were nasty. Ash and rubble were all over you. You ruined my favorite carpet on the way to the spare room." He mock pouted.

Natasha rolled her eyes. "How rude. Is 'It's nice to see you again, Nat' too hard to say?" she quipped, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Besides, everyone I know is trying to arrest me."

Sam smiled and stepped aside. "Not everyone." Natasha hesitantly took a step inside to be greeted by the welcoming faces of Steve and Wanda and the skeptical one of Scott. Natasha cleared her throat. "Hey, guys..." She let out a nervous sigh, and tried to compose herself. This was the most vulnerable state more than one person has ever seen her in. "Look, I came here because... I... I'm just so sorry about... about everything... and I... I-"

She felt like she couldn't breath anymore. Steve had taken one full stride towards her while she'd been babbling out an apology and literally scooped her up into his arms. He hugged her tightly and fiercely, as if he would never let her go. For a brief moment, Natasha believed that.

So, slowly, she returned the gesture, hesitating a little. This hug seemed to be the kind she could only share with the man who held her in his arms, and she couldn't believe she was meant for this. Her arms wrapping themselves around him, though, only encouraged the guy to bury his face in her neck and clutch her tighter. "I'm sorry, too, Nat," he whispered, as if he didn't want anyone else to hear him. She shivered, not in fear, but because of the feeling of his breath on her skin. "I thought I lost you." Somehow she knew that the words he'd just spoken, and the tone he'd spoken them with was meant for her.

Only her.

He let her go then, taking a few steps back, a shy smile on his face. Natasha, however, averted her gaze and let it settle on Wanda. The Sokovian stared at her for a moment, as if judging her actions and trying to come up with the appropriate solution for it. Eventually, the girl's face broke out into a happy, wide smile and she ran over to the spy, forcing her back just a bit with the force of the hug.

Natasha laughed heartily before hugging Wanda back, saying, "It's Hug Natasha day today, huh?"

Sam laughed as well. "I didn't hug you just yet, Widow."

Natasha smirked at the former Avenger. She pretended to look him up and down before replying to his statement, "Good. I'd rather not hug you."

She turned to Scott when he suddenly said, "Why are you all trusting her so easily? I recognize her because she's on Ross's Wanted List, but she was still against you during that fight."

Devotion [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now