Raji 73

415 37 44

I sat on the edge of the water thinking, a lot of us had choices that needed to be made; Odion was torn between going home or going to Atlanta to make sure his brother didn't do anything stupid, Marlon was trying to figure out if he wanted to stay in Houston or just go back home because he was tired of dealing with my mom, and my dilemma... well it was something similar. I had never been the type to run from a situation whether it be from some hatin ass niggas or my own damn brothers I stood firm in every move I made... but my mom was something entirely different and I regretted how things went down between us even though she was the one who was in the wrong. I knew by going back I would have to deal with Rakim and there was no telling what that nigga would do... I wouldn't put it past that nigga to put a bullet in my head because he's always told me and Ry'Kell that he would kill us over our mom and I knew I would have to face him sooner or later.... I sat there thinking about the differences between my immediate family and my extended family; with my immediate family it was one for all and all for mom... whatever she said was the rule of law even if it was to our detriment but with my extended family......................

"You aight?" Marlon said walking out to the edge of the pier where I was standing, he was shirtless as usual but he seemed bigger, his muscles seemed more defined, and he seemed a little bit taller which caught me off guard. "Last few days have been crazy as fuck." He said smiling and I couldn't believe half the shyt I had done over the course of the last 72 hours. There wasn't any more doubt in my mind that I was 10000% gay, there wasn't even a single cell in my body that was attracted to women... I had done some freaky shyt and I didn't regret a second of it.

"Yeah it's been crazy but last night was a moment.... we'll have to bookmark that and revisit on a later date. Them niggas still sleep?" I asked nodding towards the cabin and Marlon nodded. "They'll probably be out for a while, I thought I was the only one who was up... I came out here to think and reflect back on all the drama that's waiting for me back in Houston." I said turning back towards the water.

"Waiting for US back in Houston... nigga we're in this together, hell I'm in more danger than you are. Rakim might beat your ass but he'll definitely kill me... It doesn't have to be like this though, we don't have to deal with this shyt Raji, I've been talking to your Uncle Khalil and dude has sorta taken me under his wing and he's been showing me a lot... He's also been telling me some crazy ass stories about the shyt him and Marcus went through when they first started dating; so if the craziest thing we gotta deal with is your mom and brother I really think we can make it through this stronger than ever." Marlon said smiling.

"True, but I think you underestimate just how crazy my mom truly is... and Rakim, he's even worse. There's still hope for Ry'Kell if he gets surrounded by good people but given how I'm pretty much an outcast in my family I don't think he'll listen to me." I said quietly.

"Ayy there's only one way to find out.... you gotta call him and see where his head's at. I know this is your family and everything, but the best thing about freewill is that you get to choose your family.... Khalil did, and I would say things turned out alright for him." Marlon said.

"Please don't tell me I'm about to be hearing a bunch of Khalil Gem's every time I need some advice... I love my uncle but I'm not trying to have him unintentionally in our relationship." I said laughing. "So what are we going to do when we get back? I mean there's no point in hiding out here all summer, I rather face them and let the chips fall where they may. I just know my mom is going to show her ass....." I said shaking my head.

"I wouldn't be too concerned about your mom, at least not the second we get back... I heard shyt went down last night, Jade and your mom got into it, Mama Angela pulled out a gun on her, Rakim and Noah got into a fistfight.... it went down. I'm salty I missed it." Marlon said smiling and I thought that I would be pissed about that because at the end of the day that was still my mom but I didn't feel anything.

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