Marlon 72

400 42 57

How I ended up in a six nigga orgy isn't important, if y'all wanna know what happened y'all should've picked Raji; that nigga is the storyteller.... Nah what I wanna do is go back and explain the events that almost landed me in jail and why when I got back to Houston things were going to be... awkward to say the least. Now I'm sure y'all heard all about Kenyatta's ol'nosy ass... like it was only a matter of time before she found out because as much as me and Raji been fuck... well I'm actually surprised it took this long. I wanna talk about the argument that happened afterwards and the argument that took place at Marcus's house and how certain shyt came to light..... The car ride to the house where; Kenyetta, Rakim, Ry'Kell, Timika, and RJ were staying was quiet but filled with this tense energy... mom energy, the type of energy where you know she wants to say something but she's just biding her time for the right moment. I couldn't explain why she needed me and Raji to come with her, she said it was to help her move some shyt but Ry'Kell and Rakim were both there and it honestly couldn't be much. We pulled up and the first thing I noticed was Khalil's beautiful ass Maserati out front, as well as Noah's car... yeah something about this situation seemed... off.

The first thing I noticed was that Rakim wasn't here... thank God because something told me that if he was I was definitely going to have to fight that dude tonight. The second thing I noticed was that everyone seemed surprised to see us, Kenyatta's mood seemed to be shifting and while in the car it had that 'mom energy' now it was filled with 'I'm about to go the fuck off energy'.

"Kenyatta, your eye is twitching... is everything alright?" Marcus asked as he watched Troix and RJ wrestle on the floor playfully. Kenyatta nodded with her lips pursed but I could see the anger starting to spill from her eyes. "You sure? Last time your eye was twitching that bad you had just found out that.........."

"THESE LIL NIGGAS BEEN FUCKIN!!!!" Kenyatta said finally unable to control her anger. "AND DON'T EVEN TRY TO DENY IT, I FOUND ALL Y'ALLS FAGGOT SHYT IN THE BEDROOM!!! HOW LONG HAVE Y'ALL BEEN POKING EACH OTHER!?!?!??!" She asked jumping up and walking towards me but Khalil blocked her path. I almost laughed because that little dude Troix was funny as fuck, because as soon as Kenyatta accused us of poking each other, Troix started poking RJ in the forehead yelling 'POKE, POKE, POKE'.

"Ma' you really need to chill, if you'd just let me tal...." Raji tried to explain but Kenyatta turned on him and almost slapped him but Khalil pulled her back, her hand just missing Raji's face.

"DON'T FUCKIN TELL ME TO CHILL RAJI!!!! YOU REALLY LETTING THIS UGLASS NIGGA SHYT ON YOUR LITTLE DICK!!!! YOU LIKE THAT KIND OF NASTY SHYT!?!?!?!? YOU LIKE LITTLE BOYS NOW!??!?! ALL THEM TIMES RJ BEEN AROUND Y'ALL NIGGAS AND Y'ALL BEEN TOUCHING ON HIM!?!?!?!?" Kenyatta yelled and so far I had managed to keep my anger in check, actually finding this whole situation hilarious up until she accused me of doing some sick shyt like that. Why is it that SOME straight people automatically link being gay to being a child abuser? Like where does that correlation even come from?

"Aight you are fuckin trippin? I've NEVER ONCE TOUCHED THAT KID!!! AND FOR YOU TO SAY SOME SHYT LIKE THAT SHOWS ME JUST HOW IGNORANT YOU ARE!!!!" I said ready to swing on this bitch because that was some beyond fucked up shyt she just accused me of.

"AIN'T NOBODY EVEN TALKING TO YOU, MATTA FACT GET YOUR LITTLE GAY ASS OUT MY HOUSE!!!!!" Kenyatta said charging towards me but Khalil continued to hold her back.

"Okay first of all, this is my house and he doesn't have to go anywhere until we settle this..." Marcus said calmly. "Secondly, Kenyatta you are really overreacting... so you finally found out the truth. Big fuckin deal, Raji is with someone who makes him happy and you are doing your damndest to make him miserable."

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