Neverending Chase: Dabi

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Another cold and eerie night with not a single soul on the streets, an odd thing to happen on an autumn night where only the rustling of rumbling of trees could be heard throughout the empty alleyway.

Everyone was inside their houses enjoying the warmth of their household fires except for a young coworker, y/n who happened to work late-hours at their job. You looked around and cussed your luck out loud. You had forgotten your phone at home and couldn't call for a cab.
You had your apartment keys clenched in your right hand while your other hand gripped the pepper spray inside your bag, ready to take down anyone who attempted to get close to you.

You were well prepared. Or so you thought.

You turned around once to make sure you weren't being followed before continuing ahead.

But something felt wrong, an unsettling feeling seeped inside your bones. You started noticing your own footsteps echoing from behind. You weren't in an empty room for your steps to echo like that and the rockey pavement made it impossible to make a replica of your pace.

Blood drained from your face and you felt your heart drop. The torment of vulnerability of being alone in the streets late at night sent a bone chilling shiver down your spine. If only you had said yes when your friend offered to drop you home.

He knew that you knew that you were being followed. The way you were constantly shooting glances from over your shoulder and gripping something from your purse made it pretty much obvious.

He could catch you any second he wanted but when it came to you, he liked the chase. He relished every opportunity to have him run after you.

If you were someone else he'd have abducted them long ago from the fear of getting caught.
But, it was You.

Naive you who never once noticed who was watching her. But, he didn't blame you. After all, he only watches you when your back is turned.

Dabi has been stalking you for months. He knew when you slept, when you got off from work, when you went out with your friends. He had been planning the perfect way to kidnap you without there being any casualties. Today was it and he could hardly contain the thought of you being in his chains all locked up. Crying and begging for mercy.

Smirking at that thought he quickened his pace. Time was ticking, soon you'd be near litted houses and it would be impossible to catch you there. He had his hooks in you too deep. He could only imagine how terrified you must be not knowing who's following you and why. Never once did his piercing blue eyes left you.

"Now, this is where the real fun starts." Dabi murmured to himself.

And before you knew it, he broke into a run. He was careful to keep his speed in check. After all, if he went too fast, the chase would be over before he wanted it to be. But if he went too slow then you would be out of his sight before he knew it.

And of course, he would catch up to you sooner or later. It might actually be fun to give you a swift moment of hope that you can finally escape from him only to snatch it away from you.

"Run all you want," He called out to you, his laughter ringing through the night. "I'm still gonna get you!"

Ignoring his threats, you continued to run, heart beating out of your chest, your eyes open for anyone who might be able to help you. The city lights were still a mile away and there was no way you were making it out in time. Ultimately, he would catch you.

However, as the chase continued Dabi realised that you weren't far from your apartment now. There was no way in hell he was about to let you slip away from his grasp when you were right there.

Running away isn't as easy as they say. Easily catching up to you, he wrapped an arm around your waist, he kept his grip tight as you struggled to fleet free from his hold.

He didn't mind you screaming. It wouldn't stop what was coming.

"There, there." He breathed in your ear as you continued to struggle against him. Him tightening his grip around you each time you moved.

"I can see it in your eyes." He smirked and pinned you against the wall of an abandoned building. "What's gotten you so scared?"

"Please." You barely whispered, your glossy eyes staring right into his blue ones.

He mentally cussed at your helpless state. You excited him. It was a sight to see. Your crying state brought back memories of dark rooms and broken bones.

"Just let me be selfish, for once." He murmured faintly as he pressed up against you. Your eyes widened with alarm when he pressed his knee in between your thighs.

"I'm way better at seeking than you are at hiding, silly." He whispered against your lips, his free hand gripped your neck causing you to freeze in fear.

"What are you so afraid of?" He murmured, clearly enjoying this.


"Good." He smiled. His hair were all over his forehead nearly hiding his ocean blue eyes. But behind those eyes, a monster lurked within. His blue eyes were darker than any other pair of eyes you'd ever seen.

"Shhh, it's alright love." He hummed in your ear as you began to lose consciousness.

"I'm a starved predator and you were my only prey."

Were the last words you heard him say as you sank deeper into his arms in an oblivion.

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