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As Riddhima was in store.Suddenly all the lights went off . Fear rushed through her mind and she held her belly protectively.

She moved forward and found none there .She was breathing heavily and was on the verge of passing out . She was about to fall . Someone immediately rushed to her and held her protectively .

Sm : Sweetheart open your eyes .Riddhima

He patted her cheeks but got know response.

He immediately took her in his arms and take her to the appartment and called the doctor.
Vansh is pacing outside restlessly while doctor is checking Riddhima . Doctor came outside when Vansh rushed to her.

Va : Doctor us Riddhima fine.

Doc : Mr Raisinghania she is fine and earlier also she had got panick attacks . Please take care of her .She is entering in her last month very soon .

Vansh nodded and went inside and saw Riddhima lying on bed unconscious .

Vansh's Pov

I was going for a meeting when Angre called me saying that the meeting got postponed due to some issues and when I came back I saw Riddhima going towards the store . Can't she listen to me once .Her one step can be dangerous for her and our baby .
Vansh is sitting on couch when he saw Riddhima opening her eyes.He rushed to her and helped her in sitting .

Va(scolding): Riddhima I told you not to go outside then why you went .

Ri(tears): You never let me eat anything only that salad and all .You know I always craves for chocolates and pastries cakes but you locked the fridge .

Vansh cupped her face and kissed her forehead .

Va : Riddhima this for your health only .You eat lots of sweets now a days and its not good for you .

Riddhima again made a crybaby face when Vansh said

Va : Ok Riddhima I will give you one chocolate a day but for that you have to take rest.

Ri : Ok

She excitedly kissed his cheeks while he smiled .

Some days Later

Riddhima entered their room which is now more like a office room .

Ri : Vansh

Va : Hm

Ri : I have to go in mango and orange Marraige will you accompany me .

Va : Riddhima I am busy .You take my card and buy a gift for them and take Siya also .

Riddhima mouth was wide open .

Ri(controlling her anger): Vansh I had decided to kill you.

Va : Let me finish this work than kill me .

Riddhima stormed out of the room

Ri : Baby see your dad is not giving attention to us .

Riddhima waited for kick but the baby didn't kicked .

Ri : What happened baby why are you not responding .

She tried but baby didn't kicked but thought it's normal as doctor told .

She called Siya.

Ri : Siya this planned also failed .I feel like not to forgive him so soon .

Si : Bhabhi you are right .Why don't you come here .Dadi will teach him a beautiful lesson .

Ri : You are right Siya
Vansh finished his work and remembered Riddhima coming here and remembered her words .

Va : Mango orange ki shadi .
Ho kya gaya hai isse aaj kal kuch bhi bolti hai .

He searched for her but didn't found her their. He called Angre and he told that she is there in VR Mansion .

Vansh also left for their .

Precap: Delivery


I promoted to 12th standard this week .

I was busy in school and tuition but now I got a Holi break .

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Stay tuned for next update .

Till Then

Bye .

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