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"Hold it!" You issued a warning before she could depart. Surtr swung around, her judgemental stare fixed on you once again.
"What more do you have to tell me?"
"Oh, and the ice cream counter shuts at 7 p.m." You made a gesture towards your wristwatch. "It's already 7:25,"

And there she goes with those vehement gazes again.

After a while, Surtr walked back to her starting point. "Psh, fair enough." She eyed you again. "You have no reasons to be here now. Your disturbance does not help me."

"I have more, do you-" You instantly thought of an excuse to stay here.

"Did you not hear me when I asked you to leave?"

"..." She appeared to be particularly enraged this time.
"All right, now continue that phrase." She instantly rectified herself after giving the words some thought.

"I mean, I've got a couple more popsicles." "Do you want some?" You removed the popsicles from your pocket and placed them on the table. They were melting, but not to the point where they couldn't be eaten.

Surtr kept staring at the popsicles. She picked one of them and unwrapped it silently before eating it while glancing at you. This time, I'm not passing judgement. It was just an inquisitive look.

Her eyes were suddenly filled with suspicion. "You weren't planning to eat all of them, were you?"

"Oh." You realised that having so many popsicles with you must be quite suspicious of you. "I grabbed as much as I could, I'd want to show these to my assistant"

Surtr paused and took a breath, clenching the popsicle that she assumed was meant for your assistant.

"She's currently absent. I was already on my way to return it to Gummy anyways, so take your pick." Relieved, Surtr exhaled. You had anticipated that she would be unconcerned about such things. She appeared to be kinder than that.

Surtr stood up with an empty popsicle stick and whisked you away from reality for a moment. She already finished. Despite the fact that she didn't ask, it was evident that this wasn't sufficient. You remembered what you had been thinking before. You can't expect operators to trust your commands until you pay the price. The price is a sacrifice.

You must sacrifice something to bond with Surtr, just as you gave your knowledge to unite with Thorns, your time and stomach to unite with Nian. At this point, the sacrifice has already been paid. It's the popsicles, of course.

"You are free to take as many as you please. It's your price for achieving lots at Rhodes Island. I will bring you some tomorrow as well if you request." Surtr turned around to face you, her back previously facing you.

"Is it just this?" She inquired sarcastically, a caustic and arrogant smirk on her face. She snatched up the popsicles. "I'm just joking around," she says.

How... rare. You thought. This is most likely the only opportunity you'll ever have to bond with Surtr. Therefore, you must not overlook it.

Flames of Recollection - Surtr x Doctor [ARKNIGHTS]Where stories live. Discover now