Chapter 1 - 【A Deal? Really Now?】

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Cale gritted his own teeth in annoyance and irritation as he glared at the cackling White Star. The bastard was starting to use his brain that the provocation actually went under Cale's skin.

"Why won't you just DIE ALREADY YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!" Cale ignored the scowl coming from Eruhaben as the ancient dragon covered Raon's ears from afar.

Cale then sent a batch of lightnings making him cough out blood. Alberu could only sigh in worry as he tapped his dongsaeng's back violently in warning before fighting the enemies coming to them.

"Cale Henituse! We are fated to be! Messenger of the Godsㅡ"

"Shut the fuck up!" He bellowed, cutting of the nonsense coming from the other redhead before continuing, "Fuck fate and stop spouting bullshit you bastard! AND SCREW OFF ALREADY!!!"

Again, Eruhaben could only glare as he threw a random twig to smack Cale in his head. Cale coughed another chunk of blood after the act that it made the golden dragon sweatdrop. But the real reason was it is because of stress and overuse of his own Ancient Powers.

With every second passing by, Cale was becoming more and more irritated at this shitshow.

"Cale-nim, please calm down. I have already dealt with Dorph and sooner or later, they will retreat."

Sooner or later didn't come as in fact, the White Star didn't retreat as he sent a bolt of lightning where Cale was currently standing. Fortunately, he had already activated his silver shield in time.

Cale coughed another chunk of black blood.


Cale kept panting as the smoke cleared somehow. His allies were relieved seeing him standing firm on his ground albeit the torn commander suit he was wearing but overall, they're glad he's fine.

An apple pie then came into Cale's mouth in a speed of light, and a soggy one at that. But he ate it with no problem as he continued to glare at his archenemy.

He wishes someone would hive him a stress reliever, or better yet, his precious slacker life. But then again, as long as that White Radish is still alive and will continue to reincarnate could only hinder in Cale's dream.

Alberu and Choi Han stood at each side of the redhead. The crown prince twirling Taerang in his hands while the swordsman flicked his weapon to remove the excess blood in it.

"I wish I could beat that dipshit over and over again until I'm satisfied." Cale mumbled to himself as he sighed since it was a farfetched idea.

〔Do you want to?〕

Cale abruptly froze in his spot when he was about to send a boulder at the White Star. He knew this voice, since he talked to it back from the Sealed God's Test.

"God of Death." Cale uttered, emitting vicious looks from Alberu and Choi Han each beside him.

〔Do you want to make a deal with me?〕

"Tell me the details." Cale asked as he backed away when an arrow rained towards them.

He heard the God chuckle inside his head, making him have an ominous feeling.

〔You will be sent into another world. You can slack off all you want, but I will need entertainment. A simple give and take.〕

It's ominous, but enticing. Cale waited for more explanation as he pushed Choi Han since there was an incoming dark elf ready to stab him.

"Choi Han! Focus!"

〔Of course, you can stay there for how much time you want. But the time here will be frozen. So you will have a safe return.〕

𝙷𝚒𝚛𝚊𝚢𝚊 𝙼𝚊𝚗𝚊𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚒 「LCF × AoT」Where stories live. Discover now