"You don't seemed troubled." Isabella notes.

"That's because of Blue's cool new power." Spinel told her.

"Oh! Does it help people like Yellow's new power?" Isabella asks curiously.

"Back before you and your brother came into my life, Isabella, I wanted very one to feel the pain I felt. I realized I must make up for my awful behavior by bringing joy to others." Blue calmly comes closer to them, "In that moment, my tears vaporized into these clouds, bringing pure joy to all those who came into contact with them."

A cloud brushed against Isabella, forcing her to giggle.

"Just hop onto one and you'll be feeling the cheer in no time!" Spinel told her.

"But doesn't it seem wrong to force happiness?" Isabella asks as she pushes the cloud away.

"I think you'd like it." Blue told her as Spinel jumps onto a cloud.

Blue: Cold palace walls and endless empty halls. Haunted by echoes of laughter.

Blue lifts Spinel's cloud up as Isabella used her shields to push the clouds away.

Blue: You gave a pull and suddenly they're full. You've thrown the gates open after you.

Isabella is put onto a cloud that Blue uses to lift her up.

Blue: And swept in with the throng comes this wonderful song.

Blue stands up, spinning around as she plays with Spinel, trying to make Isabella happier.

Blue: My little reason why, I'll never make you cry.

Blue makes heart-shaped clouds, Isabella smiling as Spinel latched onto one.

Blue: Oh, I have got the sweetest things to tell you every day.

Spinel jumps down from her cloud, giving Blue a loving hug. Blue makes Isabella's cloud come down to her.

Blue: My little reason why, you make me want to try...loving you.

Isabella suddenly glows pink, "No, no, no, this isn't right." she falls backwards.

"Hang in there, sunshine!" Spinel saves her as they land on the ground.

Blue floats down, "What's the matter?"

"Blue, you can't just magically make me feel better." Isabella told her.

"Yes I can. That's literally my new power."

"I don't want to feel better, I want to be better!"

"I found happiness. If that's not something you think you deserve, then I suspect this may be an issue of self worth. I suggest you go to White for assistance with such matters."


Isabella and Spinel walk into White's room to see her sitting down, seemingly meditating.

"What perfect timing, Isabella! I've just gotten back from my latest charitable escapade. I've been going from planet to planet giving voice to the little Gem."

"White Diamond's powers work in reverse now!" Spinel told the woman.

"Wait, so are you being controlled now?" Isabella asks.

"Why don't I show you." White stands up, "May I, Spinel?"

Spinel squeals excitedly, "Yes, please."

White Diamond starts using her powers, lights of color flashing as their Gems glow, as this happens White Diamond's voice and color changes to match Spinel's, "Guess who?"

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