"Yeah, I'm an adult now. I don't need to watch Pupcopter or use the sheet masks. I have to have certain products for my face cause its sensitive." Isabella explains.

"Oh, yeah. You broke out that one time. It got so bad, your eyes swelled shut." Steven points out.

"Anyway, I already ate at Lars' place. And I feel kinda sleepy. Night." Isabella heads to her room.

"Anyways, it's cool. I already ate too." Steven heads to his room as well.

"Oh well. We'll just watch the movie with Cat Isabella and Cat Steven." Amethyst states.

"That's fine." Isabella calls out to her.

"My bad. I was sure we were in the pepperoni timeline." Garnet closes the box.


The next day, Isabella wakes up a little later than usual. She shrieks, "We are gonna be late for everything!!!" she rushes down the stairs, quickly preparing her protein shake and Steven's as well, "Bro! Get down!"

"Look, you two. Together Breakfast! Just like old times." Pearl calls, but the siblings continued getting things together.

"Too much sugar for me, but thanks." Steven told her.

"And I had sweets last night." Isabella adds as she heads to the door, "Steven, I'm gonna go warm up the cars." she opens the door, but snow comes in from being flooded outside, "Nevermind. Steven, we're taking the warp today."

"Okay!" Steven heads to the warp pad, his sister following after.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Garnet advises before the two warp away, warping back as they are covered in more snow.

Amethyst laughs at them.

"Looks like we have to cancel Little Homeschool for the day." Steven says.

"Pearl, can you send out a mass text?" Isabella asks.

"On it." Pearl pulls out her phone.

"Hold up! Are you saying we have the day off?" Amethyst asks excitedly.

"Ooo, we can re-read No Home Boys." Pearl suggests.

"And I'll do all the voices." Garnet adds.

"No, we don't need you to read to us." Steven told them.

"Oh no..." Isabella grips her hair, "I need to sit down with the calendar. This snow-pocalyse is going to affect the third-quarter schedule!" she rushes off to get her notebook.

"Sis! Let me help you!" Steven runs after her.


The two siblings sit down, writing in a notebook.

"Man, you two had a better work-life balance when the Diamonds were trying to destroy the planet." Amethyst commented as she was sitting at the table.

"That was then. This is now." Steven told her.

"It's called growing up." Isabella adds.

Amethystgroans, "...Hey, you know what we haven't done in a long time?"

Isabella keeps writing things down, uninterested, "Huh?"

Suddenly, Amethyst shapeshifts into a young version of Steven back when he was 14 and jumps on the table, "ISABELLA AND STEVEN TAG!"

"Aah!" Steven rolls backwards, taking his sister with him so the two can avoid the Gem's hand, "Amethyst, what the heck?!"

"We're not in the mood to play. We have a ton of work to do." Isabella told her.

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