Chapter 5

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A/N: The image above does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.

Copter's POV

I hopped on one foot to get to my car with the aid of Bas.

Dammit, it had been only the first of a twelve part rehearsal and I couldn't understand why, when I jumped I had landed badly. I must have turned my right foot just a little bit sideways on my way down from the air.

The dance instructor called for the company nurse to come and take care of my injured ankle.

After examination, the nurse declared that it was a sprain. She didn't think that I had suffered a fracture. She applied a tincture on my ankle before wrapping it with an ace bandage.

I was told by the dance instructor that I could go home to rest my ankle but I said that I wanted to stay and watch the rehearsals.

During the breaks, Kimmon fetched a bottle of ice cold water and handed it to me. I accepted it with a murmured thanks. 

I wondered why Kimmon was being nice to me even after the big fight we had three weeks ago. Had it been three weeks ago now? It seemed only like yesterday to me. Why was Kimmon being nice to me? Was it Kimmon's way of trying to get back together with me? I shook my head slightly to dismiss the idea, not aware that Kimmon had been watching me intently.

During the lunch break, when the other members had disappeared to the next room to pick up the lunch boxes that the company had ordered for us, I tried to stand up on one foot.

"Stay where you are," Kimmon had said before quickly disappearing into the next room.

I sat back on the chair, trying not to give any significance to the kindness and attention that Kimmon was giving me.

After less than a minute, Kimmon was back handing me a lunch box complete with a pack of plastic utensils wrapped in paper napkin. He also handed me a tumbler of an ice cold cola drink.

Again I murmured my thanks to Kimmon.

"You really didn't have to," I said. "I am perfectly capable of hopping to the next room to pick this up."

"I just wanted to save you the trouble," Kimmon said before turning away and walking towards Tae and Tee who were already busy eating their lunch.

Bas came to join me, his lunch box already open.

"It's spaghetti with meatballs," Bas said as he watched me opening my own lunch.

When it was time to leave, Bas offered to assist me to my car.

"Will you be able to drive yourself home?" Bas asked.

"Of course!" I declared bravely with a smile.

I stayed seated in my car after Bas left me. I was in a dilemma. I had thought that I would be able to drive myself home, but when I had tried to press on the brakes while starting the car, my ankle hurt like hell. It was throbbing afresh like the way it did when I landed badly earlier.

Shit, everyone had left already.

I wondered if I should give Kimmon a call.

No, the wounds from our breakup was still fresh. Kimmon had hurt my pride too much. All those kind gestures of his earlier were not enough to heal my hurt pride.

I placed my arms on the wheel and rested my head on them, not knowing what to do next.

Then I remembered Joss. 

Joss Wayar. 

Yesss! Of course, Joss! Joss would help me out.

Quickly, I took out my phone from my pocket and tapped on Joss' number.

=      =      =      =      =      =     =      =      =

Third Person POV

Joss was driving home dejectedly from the building where SBFive had held their rehearsals, the bouquet of wine red roses still sitting on the back seat of his car. He had come to the building with the hope of seeing Copter again and presenting him with a bouquet of wine red roses.

He was trying to maneuver a change of lanes when his phone started to ring.

The ring tone was the one he had assigned to Copter!!!

Joss was almost side swiped by another car when he temporarily lost his concentration on his driving.

Joss covered his left ear with one hand when the motorist gave him a long loud angry honk..

Joss frantically changed lanes to the one nearest to the curbside. When he was able to do so, he drove to the shoulder and parked his car and quickly took Copter's call.

"Copter?" Joss said breathlessly after swiping his phone. "I heard that you broke your ankle! Are you okay?" Joss added before Copter could say a word.

"I'm okay," Copter informed him.

"Where are you?" Joss asked. "Can I come to see you?"

"Actually I called to ask you to come to the building where SBFive holds its rehearsal. I'm still here in the parking lot but I can't drive myself home. My ankle hurts too damn much when I press on the pedal. So I was wondering if you could come and give me a ride home."

"Ohmygahd, YES, Copter, of course!!!" Joss replied excitedly. He did not mention that he was bringing him a big bouquet of wine red roses. Joss wanted it to be a surprise.

With a fast beating heart, Joss quickly made his way back to the SBFive building.

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