Waking up

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I wake up.

My arm hurts and I'm in a bed I've never seen before. The blinds are down and the room I'm in is completely unfamiliar. There's no furniture and I don't remember anything. I slowly begin freaking out. Am I alone here?


No answer. There's a door at the other side of the room. I'm too afraid to leave this room, I have no idea what's behind it.

My thoughts are rapidly interrupted when I hear footsteps from outside the room. I panic, and it doesn't help when the door is slammed open and a stranger walks in. I scream and push myself up against the headboard. It's a tall and muscular man standing at the other side of the room. He's resting his shoulders against the door opening with his arms crossed, looking at me.

"I've made you breakfast." he says. I don't respond and he sighs. "I'm not repeating myself."

"I don't even know your name." I suddenly respond, surprising myself. He looks deeply into my eyes and I can tell that he knows I'm scared.

"You can call me James, will you come down now?" he says. I just look blankly at him. "Will you walk yourself or do I have to pick you up?" he suddenly threats. I rapidly sit up in my bed to avoid being picked up. He smiles.

"That's better. Come on down now." he says and walks out. I don't see any other choice than to follow him.

The door only leads to a staircase, and I follow him downstairs until he's at the bottom floor and I'm about halfway.

James sighs heavily when he notices I've stopped walking. Without turning around he says, "Will you come fucking down?"

He sounds annoyed, so I hurry down the last steps. When I'm down he roughly grabs my shoulder and leads me to a black kitchen table. There stands a plate with pancakes and a glass of milk.

"Sit down." he demands. When I'm sitting down he turns around and pulls out a drawer, taking out a fork. He hands it to me but I don't take it, forcing him to put it down next to the plate. He then walks out of the kitchen and into a living room a bit further away. When he's out of sight I eat one of the many pancakes. I don't dare to eat more. I stay seated and play with the rest of my food until he comes back. I don't look up to see him walk over and neither when he's standing in front of me. I pretend that I'm deeply concentrated on picking in the food and ignore the fact that he's looking right at me.

"What's wrong?" he asks, sounding just as if nothing's happened.

"What's wrong?" I try to shout, but it sounds helpless compared to his deep voice. "I wake up in a stranger's house remembering nothing and suddenly I'm offered breakfast and is asked what's wrong? Do you hear how crazy that sounds? I don't even know my own name!" I say as my eyes begin tearing and I slam my hands on the table in frustration. "You have no idea how-"

"Listen, you need to calm down." he says and grabs my hands. I'm too tired to fight against. My body softens. I don't want him to touch me, I don't know him. I'm on the verge of crying as he walks up to me and leads me to the living room. I'm terrified, his hand lightly pushing me towards a black sofa.

"You need to rest, sit down here." he says and helps me sit down and then sits down with me. I close my eyes and bite my lip hard trying not to break as he looks at me with his hands together. My lip starts shaking lightly and James immediately notice.

"Come here, princess." he says. I look up at him and my heart breaks. I'm so afraid, yet I let him pull me into his arms as I strain myself hard not to cry, but I can't help myself. I try to stop it but when the sobbing begins I can't hold myself back. His arms tightens around me as the first tears fall.

"It's all going to be okay, Leia. I promise."


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