Chapter 3

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Nikki POV

When she turned I was horrified.She had cuts and bruises all over her body and she had a really bad limp but I was more worried about who did this to her.
"Morgan,who did this to you?!"i asked more like shouted.She flinched and backed away and I realized that we aren't going to get anywhere today,so I opened my arms and she reluctantly accepted the hug and she just cried and we sat on the couch for 5 minutes hugging.I decided that I would at least try and clean her cuts if she'd let me and ask questions tomorrow.
"Morgie I know you probably don't want me to but can I please have a look at your cuts and bruises please??"
She shook her head and I sighed.
"Honey if you don't let me help you it is just going to get worse so please."
She slowly nodded.
"We are going to have to go back to my place because I have the cleaning supplies there."
She just nodded with tears in her eyes.

She got up and followed me to my car and I noticed that her limp is much worse than I thought.I think she may have a broken leg but like I said I am not pushing it today.She grabbed a bag with extra clothes as I told her that she is staying the night by me.

Morgan POV

Nikki made me go with her to her place so that she could clean my cuts but I knew that at some stage that she is going to ask what happened and I am not prepared to tell her.We got to her place and she took me straight to her bathroom.

Nikki POV

I took her to my bathroom and told her to take her shirt off.She did not want to and I could tell she was insecure about it.
"I don't want to please,it's weird."she said.
"Honey why is it weird?"I asked
"Because I have to take my shirt off in front of you and it's just weird."
"Morgan,trust me it's nothing I haven't seen before so come on we need to get this over and done with besides you'll still have a bra on."
"Okay"she sighed

She took her shirt off and this time I couldn't help but gasp she was black and blue all over the place and she had cuts everywhere.I got out some peroxide to clean the wounds and I got out some bandages.I felt so bad for her because this must have hurt and it definitely wasn't from a fall.I noticed that in her face she had a bruise that was old and not like the new ones.I could tell she was in pain because of the tears streaming down her face.Once I was done with her top half I bandaged it up and she put her shirt back on.I made her take her pants off but she struggled because she couldn't bend her leg.I saw her leg and it was swollen and blue and I knew that it was broken.
"Morgan you are probably not going to like me for this but we need to go to the hospital and get that legged checked out."
"No no please no I hate the hospital!"
"Please you are obviously in pain and the doctor can help."

And we were off to go to the hospital.

The photographer(a twilight fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt