The Hidden Garden

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I was relieaved that school was out, and I was finally outside. What I really wanted to do was go home, but Grandma wanted me to do something….and I was certiantly not in the mood to do it. I decided to procrastinate and found Will. I was walking towards him when I heard a voice call out behind me. Turning around I was surprised to see Mr. Oland coming towards me. This was unusual, since he had debate and he was the head debate coach.

“Anya! I was hoping to find you.” He said.

“Sure thing, Mr. Oland. How may I help?” I asked.

“Could you explain to me what happened with Linca in class today? I wouldn’t think a painting like that would have offended her or made her that upset. I heard she went home, so I was hoping you would be able to explain.” He asked. I nodded.

“The boy in the painting reminded her of her little cousin Alexis. He just recently died.” I explained.

“I’m so sorry to hear that. How recent was it?”

“At the beginning of the school year.”

“How old was he, if I may ask?”

“He was twelve years old. Her grandmother had painted a picture of him what she thought he’d look like when he was a teenager, and it was strikingly similar.” I said. The last part I had lied about.

“How did he die?” He asked me.

“I…..I don’t know.” I lied again. I actually did know how he died, but that was a very private matter, and certainly wasn’t anyone’s except Linca’s and her family and friend’s business. Linca refuse to talk about it and she didn’t reveal any details. The only person who knew truly what happened were Sorcha and she wouldn’t say a word about it. It was hard on her too. She and Alexis were close.

“Were they close?” Mr. Oland asked.

“Yes, so was Sorcha. It’s a private matter and I don’t know all of it. I wouldn’t be asking either, since it isn’t your business, no offense.” I said.  Mr. Oland nodded.

“Thank you for explaining. Please tell Linca that I am sorry and hope she feels better.” Mr. Oland said and turned and left. I was glade he did, it was akaward talking about a subject that you hardly knew about.

I went looking around for my friends.

“Hey, Anya! Over here!” Sorcha shouted at me while waving me over. I smiled a little and walked over to her. She was with Rochelle and Michelle, a freshman girl that Sorcha had taken under her wing.

“Hey, where is everybody?” I asked. Usually everyone was here and we would talk for awhile.

“Marius took Natasha home, since her litter sister had to use the car cause she was sick. Oli, and the twins are currently serving detention.” Sorcha explained but trailed off.

“Where’s Will?” I asked.

“Getting laid.” Sorcha and Michelle said in unison. I rolled my eyes laughing. Sorcha and Michelle were very similar in their type of humor. Suddenly I was curious. Why were Oliver and the twins in detention?

“Why are they in detention?” I asked. I just had to know what did they do this time.

“I think they’re still serving detention from last week.” She explained.

“Are you serious? They got two weeks of detention for putting a fart machine under Mrs. Chaucher’s seat?” Rochelle said.

“That was Oli. The twins did something else. They made ‘squishies’ again for the pot smokers.” Sorcha told us.

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