Before leaving

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Y/n Pov

Tomorrow Gwi-nam will leave and maybe never come back again and I've been so worried about that

Why does everytime I think I have everything I want something will just go away

Because you cannot always have everything you have in life

Jeong-Hoon who always cling to his dad Gwi-nam how can I tell him this?

I don't want us to be a broken family again

Everything was perfect and then everything is now ruined

Jeong-Hoon will be able to go with Gwi-nam cause his a half zombie so he has no problem but me

I can't step a foot out there without trying to get bitten by those monsters

I need to ask Gwi-nam to turn me so I can be with him

I can't loose him again, not anymore

"Y/n, aren't you going to bed?" Gwi-nam said while he looks at me waiting for my reply

I snap out of my thoughts and look at him

"Hm?" I look at him

"You need to rest" He said putting his book down which he was reading earlier

"I'm not tired yet" I said laying down beside him

He layed down next to me turning his position infront of me

"What's wrong?" He asked looking deeply in my eyes

I look back at his and I can see how sad he is too

"Nothing is wrong" I gave him a fake smile

"But there is" He said

I signed and said

"I'm not ready to let you go yet" My eyes begin to water

"Y/n ah, its for you and everyone's safety" He pulled me close to him and hugged me as I softly sobbed

As he comforts me I wiped my tears and look up at him since he was laying on the pillow while I was on his chest

He look back down at me and we both stare at eachothers eyes

He looks so different from the past

I slowly caressed his soft cheeks as I travel my hand down to his neck

I then leaned in and kiss him with full of love and passion

The kiss feels the same when we were in the school all the memories came flashing back

Even if he did raped me he gave me a blessing in my life he gave me Jeong-Hoon

That night we made love towards eachother and it was wonderful I missed it so much

"Why are you crying" He asked as he looked down at me since he was above me

"Nothing, I'm judt happy" I smiled as my tears falls down from my eyes

This time he was gentle not like in the school where there was no love no anything just force

This time he gave me love full of love that I want to feel since for so long now

He was romantic

Before we went to bed he pulled me close to him he pecked my forehead as I smiled at him

"Don't he sad" He smiled

"I love you, Gwi-nam" I pecked his lips

His soft pink tinted lips

"I love you, Y/n" He smiled

That night we both fall asleep in eachothers arms holding eachother tightly not wanting to let go

This night was magical and romantic I will never forget this


Hey y'all your author is back to business 😊

I always come back 2| Gwi-nam ffWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu