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Author's Pov

As they have a family drama Nam-ra and Su hyeok were inside talking since Nam-ra want to distract him for a bit

"How did you survive?" Y/n asked Gwi-nam as he carries his son

"I hide inside the forest near the school" Gwi-nam answered

"Appa, are you gonna stay here with us?" Jeong-Hoon asked

"Ofcourse, I will" Gwi-nam said smiling

Y/n who has been seeing all this her heart melted to the scene she just witnessed

She was speechless towards Gwi-nam's behavior he was kind

Y/n then notice the time and immediately jump and run inside the house

"What's wrong with your mommy?" Gwi-nam asked Jeong-Hoon as he stare at Y/n running in the house in confusion

"She's getting my medicine" Jeong-Hoon said

"Why, what for?" Gwi-nam asked him

"Mommy said if I don't have it I'll turn into a bad baby" He pouted

Y/n came back with an injection right on time when Jeong-Hoon was turning

Jeong-Hoon eyes turn bloody red as he looks around

"Jeong-Hoon" Gwi-nam said in a worried tone

Y/n bend down to his level and quickly injected Jeong-Hoon on his wrist

"Its okay, baby mommy is here" Y/n distracted Jeong-Hoon from the pain due to the injection

Jeong-Hoon began to cry due to the pain on the injection

Gwi-nam calmed him down as he cries

Y/n carried Jeong-Hoon in the house as Gwi-nam followed

Since the cure will have time to spread all over Jeong-Hoon's body they need to put him in a chair where he can't attack anyone

"What's going on?" Nam-ra asked as Y/n rushed into the kitchen putting Jeong-Hoon in a chair and put seatbelt around him

Jeong-Hoon's tears were streaming down as he was scared of hurting anyone

Su hyeok then help Y/n as Gwi-nam and Nam-ra stand there in confusion

Jeong-Hoon's eyes turn completely red and his veins were slowly showing from both of his eyes making him look dead

He started to growl and shake the chair to escape but Su hyeok hold it so it won't break

Y/n who has been shaking was very worried for her son

5 minutes pass and Jeong-Hoon started to calm down

He eventually pass out due to the tiredness Y/n unlock the seatbelt and put him to his room to rest

Gwi-nam and Nam-ra who was in shocked couldn't say anything even though they know that they are like Jeong-Hoon


Poor Jeong-Hoon 😭

I always come back 2| Gwi-nam ffWhere stories live. Discover now